Monday 4 July 2022


 Today's garden happy - the dahlia, the only dahlia I have.  All the flowers on this plant are like this with some white petals and some pink petals.  Unusual?  I don't know but I like it.  There are loads of buds so it should be a picture soon.

Good morning, one and all.  I hope you had a lovely day yesterday...Here it was, as expected, gentle and restful.  I got the washing and ironing finished and it's now all away.  I had my early morning swim which was lovely.  I walked to Morrisons for some ice.  I watched tennis, caught up on some YouTube and generally just chilled out - I even fell asleep early afternoon which was lovely.

Today is a bit busier.  To start with, I'm off back to Lathcoats to pick strawberries and raspberries, both of which are in plentiful; supply, says the email, and then I will pop into the farm shop for a bit of fresh stuff.
Later on, it's circuits and after that I will go for another swim - it's very 'stretching' and relaxing to have a swim after the more intensive activity and seems to stop me feeling too achey and stiff.  And, of course, I can get some more of my sponsored swim ticked off.

And that's about it so I will shut up, make another coffee and get everything ready for the day.  Have a good one, everyone, and stay safe and well.  xx


  1. I've never seen a dahlia like that before, I wonder if it's some sort of bug/disease type thing that makes it do that? It's unusual and very pretty, anyway. Enjoy your usual busy day! xx

    1. I don't know but I've had it several years now and each year it's the same. It looks pretty healthy in every way so - who knows. I do like it. xx

  2. Looks like it's some sort of mutation, Google says: "Chimeras arise when a cell undergoes mutation. This mutation may be spontaneous or it may be induced by irradiation or treatment with chemical mutagens. If the cell which mutates is located near the crest of the apical dome, then all other cells which are produced by division from it will also be the mutated type."
    Apparently roses, chrysanthemums and dahlias are prone to it.

    1. Now I know - thanks, Annabeth. I really rather like it anyway so that's good. xx

  3. I'm Anonymous again!! Grr!

  4. That dahlia is beautiful isn't it.

  5. I've never seen that before but the dahlia is beautiful even if it does have a bit of an identity crisis going on. I hope you've had a good day and were able to do all that you'd planned. xx

    1. LOL - that's exactly what I say - it has an identity crisis. Very attractive though. xx

  6. Lovely and strange Dahlia, but I really like the colours.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, me too. Each flower is different in terms of number of petals pink or white. Interesting. xx

  7. Love the colours - just gorgeous!

    1. Yes. It was supposed to be pink but I like it better than plain pink. :-) xx
