Tuesday 19 July 2022


 Today's garden happy - well, not exactly a happy but so attractive, I think.  One of my blueberries is shedding its leaves early.  I'm not worries, it's done it before and been fine the next year,  Under watering - and that's my fault.  I left it, expecting rain (it is ericaceous) but none came and I just forgot - ooops.

Morning, everyone.  Yesterday definitely lived up to expectations.  It was 36.1C in the shade in the garden at its highest and it's going to be hotter today.  In the house, it remained pleasantly cool until very late afternoon and even then the fans kept the worst of the heat at bay.

I managed to get my shopping done in comfort.  It was nice to see the children going to school wearing their nice, cool PE kits - shorts and white T shirts -with sunhats and carrying big bottles of water.  Very sensible.  I didn't have a big list but Morrisons had chicken on special so I rather stocked up.  I do eat such a lot of chicken in various ways.  They also had plenty of bags of ice and some juice ice lollies - not many as people have obviously been going for them rather than the ice cream based lollies.

I watched the graduation ceremony that we should have been at on the live link provided.  I shed a few tears right at the start but after that, while the speeches were good (and short) the rest was a bit boring really.  There were significant gaps in the audience and in the rows of graduands and those robes and mortar boards looked terribly hot.

And just to confirm that we made the right decision, the A12 was closed, both lanes, around Colchester for a 'police operation', just at the time we would be driving along there on the way home.  I am so glad we didn't get caught in the tail backs.

I gt some news that made me very, very happy yesterday evening.  A young adult (now) with additional needs who I taught in year 1 and was involved with for several years, as SENCO and then as their tutor, fighting hard alongside their mum and the school to get a statement (or whatever it is called nowadays) and a place at one of our excellent local 'special' schools for secondary, has won a Jack Petchey award.  Alex won that award several years ago so I know what it's all about but here's a simple description from Google. 

Who gets a Jack Petchey award
outstanding young people

Our flagship programme is the Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme, which recognises outstanding young people aged 11-25 across London and Essex.

I am so proud of them - it is a significant achievement and means so much, both for now and for their future.
 By bedtime, the bedroom was too hot but I took the fan up with me and it was OK.  I woke in the middle of the night, turned the fan off and opened the window wide and it was lovely!

As for today - well, at the moment all windows are wide open to catch as much fresh air as possible.  My water bottle in in the freezer, ready to take to Lindsey's Groove class at 9:15.  
The garden has had a long and thorough water.
The full jug is in the fridge.

After that, basically, it's the same as yesterday.  Beeb says 39C which is too hot in my book but Wednesday is predicted to be a good twelve degrees cooler so just a really nice summer day again with, maybe, some rain showers later on.  Bring it on!

OK, so better go.  Take care, take all the sensible precautions you can, don't push things and remember to empty and refill that water bottle or glass several times.  xx


  1. It's good to see the schools are being sensible about clothing during this hot weather. I see the primary school children in their PE kits and apparently the senior schools are also relaxing uniform rules and allowing official school PE kit to be warn. Not so good is if they opt to continue wearing uniform as that includes wearing their jackets at all times!

    It feels hotter here than yesterday and I'm not enjoying it at all. I can feel a migraine threatening so today may well be spent in bed! I hope you enjoy Groove today and whatever you plan to do for the rest of the day.

    Oh, and congratulations to your ex-pupil, and also to Alex, on being recipients of the Jack Petchey Achievement Award.

    1. I do hope the migraine hasn't developed into anything and has gone away. xx

  2. I was amazed to see some children arrive at school here yesterday wearing long trousers! It isn't as hot as in the south of the country, but even so, far too warm to be dressed like that.
    Well done to your former student on their achievement. It must feel rewarding knowing you have played a part in their success. X

    1. Oh, that's just unkind and so unnecessary..
      Yes, I am very proud of S. xx

  3. Living in Florida used to it…but you are not…be careful..

  4. Congratulations on the student who won the Jack Petchey award.

    1. Thanks, Belinda. They have done amazingly well. xx

  5. Brilliant news for your student, and no doubt very well earned. :-)

    It's far too hot for me ... anything over 20 is too hot for me so I am literally a puddle!! I was dreading going to the hairdressers first thing this morning but she has the most amazing air conditioning, it was like sitting in the back of a refrigerated delivery truck for twenty minutes. It's the only time I have ever wished I had more hair.

    1. lol - but how wonderful to feel so cool and comfortable. I bet leaving was like opening the oven door. xx

  6. Good you saw the graduation ceremony seems a good few of the graduates made the same decision as yourselves obviously the right decision . Its been far too hot here today had to go over to my daughters early today as all the family in work( which does have A/C ) and parcel to be delivered ( no time slot) decided it was cooler there so have spent most of the day there pottering . It did reach 41C in the garden though. Congratulations on your student getting the Peachey award an accolade for your work as well methinks.

    1. Thank you, and yes, I was involved in getting them their EHC Plan but this award has been completely down to their own efforts and the support of their family, nothing to do with me at all, not in the last three years.

      How lovely to go where there is air con. Such a useful thing to have. xx

  7. Graduation ceremonies are interesting for the two minutes or less that it takes for our loved one to pick up the certificate. The rest of the time is an expensive ceremony in truth. A nice family meal out is more meaningful.

    1. Apart from the significance of the thing, I agree, although the speeches were good (and short). I('ve booked a table at The Hare for the three of us on Saturday evening - that will be very nice. xx

  8. I can't believe the heat that you are getting in the UK and I am very glad sensible clothing for the heat is being used.

    God bless.

    1. Definitely! Cooler clothing makes such a difference. xx

  9. Thanks for the reminder. I am drinking another glass of water right now. We;ve been experiencing a heatwave here in California, too.

    1. I bet those dips in the lake also make a big difference for you. xx

  10. That's brilliant about your former pupil!!! The Jack Petchey scheme is brilliant!
    My blueberry has a completely brown branch! It was unexpected but you are reassuring me a bit! Have you had many?

    1. Many blueberries? No, none this year. I had loads last year but I have found they are very hit and miss and we had late frosts.
