Monday 18 July 2022


 Today's garden happy - the first two sweet corn babies and I swear they weren't there yesterday morning!  Two on the one stem.  Nice.

Also the mint is definitely up and growing.  The shoots are so cute but, try as hard as I could, I couldn't get any in focus, they're so wee.

Good morning, everyone.  Yesterday was hot but it was a dry heat, very bearable at around 30C and sitting in the garden late afternoon/early evening was an absolute delight.  I'm prepared for today.  Fans are in strategic positions, windows and doors are wide open to catch the cool morning freshness (it's really lovely right now) and the first jug of water is in the fridge, chilling nicely. 

Beth and Alex turned up bang on time for lunch.  I did a chick pea pasta bake for me and Beth and added some ham to Alex's and it went down a treat with a salad on the side, the highlight being those two little tomatoes that had ripened.  Delicious!  Beth and Al didn't stay all that long but long enough for a good old chat.

Later on, Julia turned up and, with the ramp I have, my garden is perfectly accessible for her.  She came in and we sat under the shade of next door's silver birch with a pot of tea and had a good old natter.  Brilliant.

Today, I need to pop to Morrisons early and then I'm going to follow all the advice and stay put inside.  I've already watered the garden really well so fingers crossed that will be OK for the day.  I'll check this evening and see if they need any more then.  The graduation ceremony is on a live link so I'll watch that - we can get some of it anyway.

Please, be careful today.  We're just not tuned in to such heat in this country so need to take things very, very carefully.  Stay well and keep as cool as you possibly can.  xx


  1. I'm now going to have a closer look at my sweetcorn!
    Staying in all day here - no point in getting too hot for no reason and putting a jug of water in the fridge thanks to your reminder!

    1. If mine are, I am sure yours are too.
      Absolutely no point, I agree. I'm waiting until eight and then I will be popping out to Morrisons and after that it's probably the laziest two days of the year so far for me. Afternoon siestas are definitely on the List of Things to Do! xx

  2. Good morning Joy. I am impressed with you sweetcorn. I have never tried growing those so maybe something to try next year. G loves sweetcorn.
    I shall also be staying indoors for the most part today. Have a lovely relaxing day inside and thanks for the chilled water reminder. Take care x

    1. I haven't either before this year - it's a journey of discovery. xx

  3. Mornin' Joy. That sweetcorn does look pretty impressive, I'll go and have a quick look at mine and see how it's coming along. Stay cool and hydrated today. x

    1. Absolutely will!
      Dad always grew sweetcorn but I never have so it's fascinating to see them coming along. I know the basics but actually seeing it happen is one of the magical things about having a garden. xx

  4. The sweetcorn looks good. I'd love to try growing it but my green thumb barely extends to tomatoes.
    A couple of years ago I needed a new fridge freezer. I have limited space, and the only one narrow enough came with a water dispenser in the door - not a plumbed in one, just a reservoir to fill. I never thought I'd bother with it, but in this heat it's the absolute star of the kitchen.
    Take care in the heat.

    1. What a useful addition to a fridge. I'd love one.
      You take care as well. It's not quite midday and it's 33C in the shade in my garden. Nice and cool inside so far though. I love my fans. xx

  5. I didn't get round to planting sweetcorn this year, in fact still have some from last year in the freezer! It's not quite as hot up here but still hotter than normal at 24 so far this morning. I've also put some wet face cloths in the fridge so I can cool myself later with a really cold cloth! I heard the BBC news predicting all sorts of chaos esp with travelling today. Stay safe and cool everyone xxx

    1. Lindsey recommends us doing that before coming to her classes at the moment, bringing them with us. Good idea.
      Disappointing as it is, I am just so relieved I'm neither attending a graduation ceremony or driving home along the A12 today. Bitter sweet. xx

    2. Better to stay safe and not make yourselves ill or get stuck in traffic chaos in horrendous heat xxx

  6. My plans are the same as yours ... stay indoors, stay hydrated, and stay safe! Hope you have a good day despite the disappointment of missing the graduation. Is Alex okay about if still? xx

    1. Well, he is pretty disappointed and upset but he made the right decision. xx

  7. I live in Florida, so we are used to this…be careful…

    1. We really are not and, of course, not many homes have air con. That would be so useful. xx

  8. Isn't a healthy sweetcorn stem a thing of beauty, and yours look very healthy!

    I'm staying cool here, all the curtains are closed and yet still the annexe is lovely and light with the two large Velux windows, one in the kitchen area and one in the bathroom. Happily the sun is only on them briefly and thank to my ceilings being so high the worst of the heat must be up there ... I'm not going to check!!

    1. They are lovely, yes. Elegant.
      I'm glad you are staying cool, it sounds ideal. I should think it is also lovely and warm in winter too. xx

  9. Apart from hanging out the washing, I have been inside all day today. We fair skinned Celts don’t cope well with scorching weather. I decided to sew but quickly lost the notion when I realised I’d need the iron! Catriona

    1. Don't want an iron on, I agree. Nothing to throw out any heat inside. Hand sewing, maybe . . . xx

  10. I hung out the washing today and did some weeding and gardening very early this morning. Now I will be staying in out of the terrible heat. Work continues on inside projects.

    God bless.

    1. Good for you! Ditto here and it worked pretty well. When I( needed to go to the shed, it felt like stepping into an oven when I went through the French window! The poor freezers were working jolly hard too. xx

  11. Please be careful in the heat
    I live in Florida
    Can be dangerous

    1. Yes, indeed. We've had enough official warnings that there's no excuse for ignorance. Thankfully, it's only predicted for a short time and then we go back to nice, sunny normal (for us) temperatures again. Bring it on! xx

  12. I've never tried growing sweetcorn before, but I feel I must after seeing your results. They look great. X

    1. I reckon it's worth a go - if I can, I am sure you can too. Mind you - it hasn't fruited yet so time will tell. :-) xx
