Wednesday 29 April 2020


Good morning.  It's still dull, damp and dismal outside so no allotment again today.  It'll survive!  It was cold enough for the heating to click in yesterday, something I was thankful for.

First of all, the bad news.  My replacement tomato plants arrived yesterday.  They sent six, which perhaps demonstrated their lack of confidence in their survival.  Three of them had been so badly packed that the packaging had cut the stems and they were obviously no use.  One of them had wilted so badly that it was also only fit for the compost heap.  I planted the last two but they looked very sad and this morning they look just as sad.  Given that they were replacing just one plant, if one survives that will be evens but I will drop them another note to mention that bad packing and quality.  You don't pay out for little plants to have them arrive in that state.
I'm a bit cross.

However - the earlier two are fit and healthy now and growing, as are the ones the seeds of which I won in the raffle at the last SW meeting we had while the old tomato seeds that I planted without much hope of germination have given me nine plants.  OK, they are very small and will be late but that's nine I didn't expect.
If all else fails, maybe the garden centres will be able to reopen before long.  You never know.

The Slimming World Zoom meeting was fun.  There were four of us this week and it was really good to see other people.  We had a good old chat about stuff in the half hour the meeting lasts for.
Then I had a good chat with Chris and we've decided to make it a regular set date/time while lockdown continues.

I caught up with the two museum/art programmes in the evening.  They were both very interesting indeed, especially the one about Rembrandt by Simon Schama - he does explain things so clearly and, since doing an OU course that covered art appreciation (in a small way), I've really enjoyed things like this.  While watching them, I kept on with the crochet and the little blanket is nearly finished.  I now have to find someone who would like it.

Today is more or less the same.
Something energetic - I have half an hour of PT this morning with the other half on Friday.  This is because while it is not as sore, I'm still having shoulder and neck issues and we're taking things carefully.  This will also be my something social as Beth is otherwise engaged all day.

Something for house/garden - being stuck in because of the rain, it's an ideal opportunity to sort out some corners that seem to have attracted clutter over the last week.  I can't imagine how it happens!

Something social - as above

Something entertaining - there's the next art/museum programme to enjoy this evening and I've found several ballet things that I will enjoy watching.  Also, there's Sewing Bee and a number of history based programmes that are set to record.
However, I think I will avoid the one that's cheerfully entitled 'What it's like to catch coronavirus'; I think I can well do without that in my life!
Also, I have finished the first Mrs Tim book and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I thought 'Mum would love this, I must ask her if she's read it' before remembering, with a sharp pang, that I can't.  That's how it hits you - not asking for any sympathy but it's just how it is from time to time.  But I do wonder, all the same.  It's right up her street.

Something creative.  I shall finish the little blanket and then start another rabbit, a female one this time, I think.  I was wondering about also crocheting some little vegetables and fruits and calling them the Speed Bunnies (SW reference alert) and popping them in the basket that Jennifer is organising for the person who has lost the most weight over lockdown in all her groups.  I'll see how the fruit and veggies look first.  After all, I had a pattern for the carrot!

Despite the rain and general gloominess, I think it's going to be a good day today.  Fingers crossed for us all.  xx


  1. If your Mum loved reading and went to a library through the 60's or 70's I bet she would have read the D.E.Stevenson books. They were some of the most borrowed and so popular when I worked in libraries. The Miss Buncle books are also good. Some are a bit dated now and haven't been reprinted.
    Should rain all day - what a change from last week

    1. It seems very likely as it's just the sort of thing she would love. She was a librarian too, in the early 50s, so would have come across them there, I should think. can understand how they were so popular. In a certain way, they are a bit Miss Read-ish.

  2. Have you looked at the websites for your local garden centres? Round here there are several doing home delivery (with a minimum order, of course) or click and collect. I got some really health plants, and it is helping them to keep going while they can't open their shop.

    I know what you mean about the 'Oh, I must tell her (or him) that ...' - I still do it sometimes, seventeen years on. I've recently discovered D E Stevenson from another blog and have been enjoying them.

    1. Good idea. I'll give it a go and would be happy to pay for a delivery.

      They are very funny in their own way, aren't they?

  3. It's an indoor day here as it's raining so hard I've put off going out to the garage to get some bread from the freezer.

    It's a shame about the state of the replacement tomato plants. I've just received a catalogue from You Garden and was going to order from them but your experience has rather put me off and I may wait until the garden centres reopen.

    I like the idea of the speed bunnies. There are plenty of patterns for crochet veg online. A friend made up a huge variety for her reception class to play supermarkets!

    1. I haven't found any patterns yet (preferably freebies) but I have found some pictures and I think I can work out how to make them.

    2. This is what my friend used ... any help? She also watched some YouTube videos.


    3. Thanks. I'll check these out. I bet they will be very helpful, many thanks.

  4. It's a same about the tomato plants but perhaps garden centres will open soon. B&Q stores opened today, they usually stock them.
    It's been flipping cold here today. X

    1. I didn't know B&Q have opened. That's good to read, thank you. I'll check the opening times online. xx

  5. zoom is a wonderful invention. I hope your tomatoes grow strong.

    1. It really is, and easy to use too, I think.
      Sadly, the last two 'replacements' have died. I'm going to ask for a refund this time.
