Sunday 9 June 2019


Hiya, everyone.  It's Sunday, traditionally a day of rest and relaxation - unless you happen to be the one (usually female) who cooked the Sunday roast.  Then it was quite the opposite!  No Sunday roasts around here nowadays!

It's a lovely, lovely morning here.  The wind has completely subsided, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.  BBC tells me it should last all day although tomorrow will be a bit wet and Tuesday looks like being horrible.  Ah, well, it saves me having to water my container plants (of which I have a number!)

I now have properly working back garden gates after a chap called Paul came to repair them.  He seemed competent, knew exactly what he was doing, worked well, did the job and the cost wasn't too high.  He does all sorts, an old-fashioned 'handyman', and seems happy to come from Southend as he does have a client base here, so I guess I will use him again in the future.  I felt sorry for him, working out in all that wind and occasional splats of rain but he seemed unfazed.

I'm trying to think what else I did.  Nothing in any way dramatic, I think, just pottered and did a bit more decluttering.  My bedroom is now almost finished at long, long last.  There's just one more surface to deal with and then some dusting and sweeping.  Then I have to tackle the guest room that has a lot of clutter moved from what is now Beth's office.  Again, there's plenty of rubbish to chuck so I will adopt the same system that has worked for my bedroom - half an hour at a time.

I did a little bit of ironing and now the basket is empty again.  It's a good feeling!

I have a bit of exciting news - well, I think it's exciting although the globe trotters among us will think it mundane, I am sure.
The back story is that about two years ago I reconnected with an old college friend, Suzanne.  We always got on very well at college but lost contact as she went to teach in Papua New Guinea and then joined World Vision.
Two years ago she came to stay for a short time and have stayed in touch ever since.  I'm going to hers for a weekend at the end of this month.
Anyway - she facebooked me to say that she always spends a week in August with her cousin in France (Suzanne is French Swiss/English) but the friend who usually goes with her can't come and would I like to?  Of course, I accepted!  She's done all the arrangements - she travels a lot for World Vision and has loads and loads of air miles to use - and the flight and a car are all booked. 
It won't be a high powered break - it's a rural area with one really nice town with a good market (yay) and many interesting little villages which we will explore - just what I like to do, in fact.  Suzanne will drive (thank goodness) so we can go a bit further afield, if necessary.

I'm very glad I renewed my passport!

Today, I am starting off with at early morning swim, then home for a leisurely breakfast, before finoshing off my bedroom.  Beth is coming round, so that will be nice.  In the afternoon, I want to do a bit of hoeing of the front patch - those weeds are coming up again and a bit of a hoe should slow them down considerably.  The back is in reasonable nick and the adopted runner beans are all looking extremely happy and have already grown a fair bit.  I love that with runners - you can almost see them grow if you watch!  Almost.

And that's about it really, although I am sure I will find other bits and bobs to get on with.  It should be a very pleasant day and I hope yours is too.  xx


  1. Your trip to France sounds exciting. You'll have such a wonderful time and it's something to really look forward to.
    Enjoy your day. X

    1. It really is - and totally out of the blue too. Very kind indeed of her.

  2. The garden looks good and how exciting a trip to France, I'm sure you will have a grand time.

    1. I'm happy with the garden, thanks, Diane. Yes, I will enjoiy it, I am absolutely sure.

  3. Oh good for you, the August holiday in France sounds fabulous, you'll have a great time!

    1. Onme of those 'out of the blue' things and very nice too.

  4. Your garden is looking lovely. The trip to France with your friend sounds wonderful, getting away from it all ... take lots of photos please xx

    1. It will be getting away from it all - it looks very 'out in the country', looking at Google.

  5. How exciting to get to go to France! And, your garden looks lovely.

    1. Thank you and, yes, I do feel very excited.

  6. An unexpected trip to France.Brilliant and all the arrangements done for you.Enjoy.We are off to France the last week of term for a week but a few days in Northumberland before then.

    1. That all sounds lovely - I'm sure you'll have a superb time in both places.

  7. Your August holiday sounds wonderful and something for you to plan for and look forward to. Just what you need on the horizon I think!
    Brush up on a little French if it's very rural.

    1. I'm going to buy a phrase book! However, Suzanne's cousin and her family all speak fluent English, thank goodness.
