Wednesday 12 June 2019


Good morning.  I think we must have been very lucky yesterday as it was dry, bright, sometimes sunny and no rain at all.  All my washing dried out!  It just wasn't quite warm enough to sit out.
It's really dull at the moment with light rain showers and a gentle breeze forecast.

I really got going with the blue room yesterday.  It looks terrible right now but, inside the cupboards, things are a lot better than they were and today is just a case of putting things back (or chucking them).
I have bags downstairs for various destinations.
Three bags of 'small, elecrtical items', which the wheelie men should take tomorrow
Two bags for the SA drop off point.
Two bags for my neighbour's bin (I have asked!)
And a seriously large pile of books to take to school for their July Fair.

I also found (and finished) a virus shawl that I started ages ago.  I had done all the crochet work and just needed to sew in the loose ends.  It's quite big, perfect for wrapping round myself on cool summer evenings.  I  took a photo of it draped over a chair - the colours aren't completely accurate in the photo but you get the idea.

Beth turned up and finished a memory quilt she is making for a client, using clothes that her daughter used to wear and, I believe, that she had kept for this very purpose.  She then washed it and here it is drying on my line.  Again, the colours aren't quite right (the light was bad by that time) but you can see the general effect and I think it is stunning.  I don't envy her ironing it, mind you!

While sorting out a top cupboard yesterday, I was pleased to find two Clothkits.  You might remember Clothkits and I'm sure I have mentioned them before - they were a wonderful company that put together kits to home make, screen printed onto fabric, plus tights, socks, T shirts, knickers, jumpers, etc, to match for adults and children.  I used them a lot!
I found this image on Google and it's a kit I made for Beth - she had blue jumper and tights to match and looked lovely.

The name has been taken up by someone else and they now have an online shop that actually looks quite good and which I will explore at some point.

Anyway - I found two kits that are old enough to be called vintage, I reckon, and, even better, I am now in that size!!!  I vaguely remember that I bought them in one of their (excellently priced) end of season sales in a bit of extremely wishful thinking.  One is a sundress and the other a skirt and suntop (I won't be wearing the suntop!!!) and I intend to make both up. 
I wonder how many people will go 'Is that Clothkits????'

Jeff's turn up to do some scratching, scraping and digging up of weeds round the front, after which the front should look as nice as the back (I hope).  After than, the day is mine and I intend to use it well.  Top of the list is to finish off the blue room, followed by taking all those bags and piles to their various destinations.

I might defer changing the sheets until tomorrow and do some sewing, but I'll see how I feel.  Then, in the evening, it is Slimming World where I hope to redeem myself after last week's disaster!

I have a hem to tirn up on one of Mum's skirts (I still can't believe I can wear them) so that is something I can do while Jeff is here.  Better get going then!
Enjoy your day! xx


  1. The shawl and the quilt are both absolutely gorgeous - you and your daughter are so talented, well done both. Have to confess I've never heard of Clothkits!

    1. Thanks, Sooze. Beth is the really creative one but I've always been 'good with my hands' as the saying goes.

  2. The shawl is lovely ... you are a very talented family.

    Well done on the progress made in the blue room. Do you think you'll get it finished today?

    1. I actually do think I will, apart from the bedding which really needs to come off and be washed - it's probably dusty.
      And thank you - I'm great at following patterns. :-)

  3. That shawl is so pretty and the Clothkits look very interesting. You never know what treasure you will find when you starting cleaning something out. I have a couple of closets on my to do list for this summer and I'm hoping I have some pleasant surprises too!

    1. I hope you do, it's nice. I also found some stuff about which I thought 'why ever did I keep that?', which is why I now have a very full bin - and so does my obliging neighbour! :-)
