Tuesday 11 June 2019


Good morning, everyone.  What a disgusting day yesterday was as far as the weather was concerned!  Torrential rain at times and rarely less than reasonably heavy.  Definitely a day for staying in and chilling.  BBC tells me that today is 'light rain showers and a breeze', whatever than may mean, but at least it sounds better than yesterday.  My plants look very happy though, and I have peas plumping up in their pods for another little picking soon.  The adopted runners are also spurting on, seemingly undeterred in any way by their change of habitat.

I got my early morning swim, pleasant as always, and came home for a leisurely breakfast (inside).  I made a somewhat listless start on the blue room but didn't get very far really.  I had a fair old shopping list so drove off to Morrisons and got that done before settling down with a good book and my knitting.  Add tuition to the mix and that was yesterday.  Pleasant but not much achieved so today I am determined to do better.

I'm not going for a swim today so early morning is more gentle.  After breakfast, I shall take my timer upstairs and do 30 minute slots in the blue room, interspersed with mugs of reviving coffee.  Unfortunately, my bin is full but I can save the rubbish in bags until Thursday, ask my lovely neighbours if they have any space in their bins or, the most unlikely option, take a trip to the dump.

Looking around, the downstairs area is also looking a bit messy but fifteen minutes will sort that out.  Then, if there's time (and I bet there will be), I will set to and start planning the next week's meals.  I plan from SW group to group so my planning ends tomorrow evening.

And that, with a spot of tuition, is my day today.  Not the most exciting of days but it should be satisfying!
I hope yours is as good too.  xx


  1. Our early morning persistent heavy rain has tailed off to showers now, but it's still blustery, cold and nasty. How lovely to have fresh peas, our first sowings all died off!

    1. They're a cheat really, those pas. While trawling around a garden centre a month or so ago, I saw a little pot bursting with peas in flower and I fell!
      A very expensive way to buy peas but, for one, a good way to copy so I have just planted a slightly bigger pot with some more and will do so once a week until the end of June, so I can pick through the summer. If it works, it will become an annual thing, like the runners and tomatoes.

  2. We have rain again today and thunder is expected. I had to use the electric heater to take the chill off the room last night but if this cold spell continues the central heating will be switched back on. It was down to 16° in the living room this morning.

    1. Still sunny here and the washing is out on the line. My fingers are crossed. It's chilly though, especially early morning and evening.
