Sunday 30 June 2024

Sunday evening, 30-06-24 and a 3-E update

Evening, everyone.  The last day of June is nearly over and the weather seems to have resorted to Typical British Summer - cloudy, slightly damp and not that warm.  Not oodie- chilly but definitely warm cardigan!  The egg chair is under wraps again - that's a shame - but I can still sit in the garden room and be dry so that's nice.

I took a few photos . . .

The tomatoes are still a work in progress but looking very happy.
The End Is Nigh for this particular cucumber - maybe tomorrow, depending on whether I need it or not.

The new Broomfield Coach Trip newsletter landed in my mailbox and now I have booked a trip to see the Nutcracker in January.  Lovely ballet!

I had no specific plans for today so I decided to update my freezer audit.  It just gets a bit disorganised at times and I forget what's there and what's not there.  It doesn't take long now everything is in baskets - I just take one basket out at a time and it is so much more manageable.  I'm so glad I took the time to do a big sort out and reorganisation just before the garden room building started.  It's been such a time saver ever since and, because it is so easy, it gets done.  😇

At the beginning of the year and after my 3-Cs of last year (Contentment, Consistency and Confidence), I settle on three E words for 2024.

As we are now at the end of six months into 2024, I thought is was time for a brief update.  I thought I had done one three months in but can't find it.  Not to worry.

Energy:  Well, for my age, I think it is going pretty well.  I have spells of feeling lethargic, like anyone, but generally I think I approach my life with a fair bit of both physical and mental energy which keeps me cheerful and up to date with things.  And I'm still really enjoying the fitness classes.

Enjoyment:  It's been a good six months really. 
I've been enjoying my coach trips no end and I've had plenty of opportunities to catch up with friends over lunch dates, either at home or out.
At the moment, I am deriving much enjoyment from my little garden.  I was sitting in my egg chair the other day, first thing, coffee to hand and thinking how much I love my outside space after so many years of trying to get it 'right'. It's not perfect but it's mine and it's pleasant.  Working on contentment last year has had ongoing impact, I think.

Economy:  This was a biggie after a very, very spendy 2023.  It doesn't mean watching every penny (although I check do my account every day and keep my spreadsheet up to date) but it was all about making the best with what I have.  It has become a bit of a habit, knowing where everything is going.  That's exactly what I wanted.
I am very happy to splash the cash on those enjoyable coach trips instead of paying for cleaners.  I am so used to housework, etc, now and I am very glad it stopped although not for them and the company, obviously.

So, all in all, I'm pleased with how things are going.  Did you choose some words (or something else) to focus on in 2024?  How are they going?

Time to shut down the computer so I will say goodnight to you all.  Sleep well and see you next month.  xx


  1. Good to hear that your year is progressing just as you would like it to. Not so here, but it will sort itself out in time.

    1. I'm sorry about that - hopefully, as you say, it will all sort out in time. Sending good vibes. xx

  2. The Nutcracker is my absolute favourite ballet, both for the storyline and the music. How lovely! I'm glad your 3 Words are working out for you, and especially that you're enjoying your garden, as I am mine. xx

    1. It's a beautiful ballet, very special, and visually it is amazing as well. I'm so glad I got a seat because it does sell out quickly. xx

  3. Your "e" words are spot on! I don't have any big plans or focii for this year - just taking it a day at a time!

    1. In a way, that is an aim and it is a good one. Your days sound lovely too. xx

  4. I like all the words you chose. This year I have been focusing on travel. It has been exciting and challenging. Like you, I do my own cleaning. I need to set aside three hours a day for housework, like I used to do when I was working.

    1. I've really enjoyed reading about your adventures this year. I don't manage three hours a day every day but I probably do more than I think if you include the routine stuff that I don't really consider - making my bed and sorting my room, cleaning round the kitchen, bathroom and loo, for example. And I guess washing, drying and ironing also counts . . .
      Yes, maybe I do more than I think I do. xx

  5. Well done with the words you chose and how well it's going! Sounds like a really positive update.

    1. Thank you Sharon. I'm pretty good with how things are going, all in all. xx

  6. Booking trips ahead gives one something to look forward to.. I used to keep an accounts book but not these days, I don't spend as much and only using a credit card its easy to see what I've spent.

    1. They really do, yes. It's fun.
      I made an Excel spread sheet (don't all clap at once - I had to keep going back to YouTube to check the formulae) which I visit pretty much daily and keep right up to date. I guess, like you, I don't need to and I never used to but I quite like the feeling of 'being on top of it all' that it gives me.
      Credit cards are a no-no for me. I use my debit card and feel happy about it. xx

  7. You are doing very well with your 3 E s Joy.

    I too have spreadsheets for expenses and savings and update them monthly.

    1. It works really well, doesn't it, and because it is self-made, it's easy to use. Thanks, Nil. xx

  8. Lovely to have your very positive update on your goals.
    Mine did not happen and won't this year, but I'm accepting the fact with good grace now ( well mostly 😉😄 ) shorter term I'm trying to make sure I build me time into each day.......not an original thought of course but good for self care.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It relates to you and your needs so it certainly is individual, I think. Me time looks different to each individual and I'm glad it's working for you. xx

  9. Tickets for The Nutcracker ballet will be so good to look forward to in the dark days of January. You certainly seem to be doing well with your target words for the year - enough energy to enjoy life the way you want with finances where you need/want them to be. A triple win all round I would say.

    1. That is how it feels right now. It's a lovely feeling and I'm making the most of it while it lasts. :-)
