Thursday 6 June 2024

Thursday evening, 06-06-24

Evening, everyone.  

Today's bean count:
dwarf      5
runners    0

It was another sunny start to the day and, after I had opened up the garden room in preparation for Chris coming over, I took photos.  This one makes me feel really happy.  

It's just as well I had the happy moment because as I was brushing my teeth this morning, I suddenly felt a sharp bit - the corner had broken off one of my back teeth.  It doesn't hurt - I mean the tooth doesn't hurt but I have a very sore tongue which is a bit of a nuisance.
I've booked an appointment with the dentist for next Tuesday, the first they had for a non emergency.  Hopefully, it will be OK until then and the soreness of my tongue will have eased off by then.

Poor old Lindsey didn't have a very good journey back from Ibiza so SET this morning was cancelled.  OK by me, it just gave me a bit more time.
Chris and I sat out in the garden room for our coffee and chat.  It's going to be really nice in there when (if?) it gets hot and it is nice and shady.

Then I set out to Longacres to meet up with Val for lunch and a wander around the plants.  I bought some bedding dahlias and a nicotiana sylvestris which is half hardy so - we will see.  We also looked at paint in B&Q because I need to start thinking about what colour I want so that when Ray does start, I will know.  There doesn't seem to be exactly what I would like at the moment which is a bit of a pain and those cards that had about five related shades on them don't seem to be a thing any more which is a shame.  I'm glad I am starting to think about it now.

This afternoon, the camera charger and new batteries arrived so we will see if it solves the problem.  Fingers crossed.  One of the new batteries is now charged and in the camera, the second one is charging and when that's done, I will charge the old one.

I meant to get the blue room ready for my friend coming next weekend but didn't get round to it so that's tomorrow's big task.  I'll be glad to get it done because I did dump a few things in there when they cleaned the carpet, meaning to sort them out, but didn't.  
I will tomorrow plus planting out the new flowers.

I will love you and leave you now - have a restful evening and a great night's sleep.  xx


  1. I'm sorry to hear you have a broken tooth. I hope it will be a straightforward fix when you visit the dentist next week.
    The garden room is looking fab! Xx

    1. I hope it is just a filling - that would be ideal. Thanks - now I am used to it, I really love that garden room. xx

  2. I had a broken tooth many years ago and it always seemed like my tongue just had to check it out. To the detriment of my tongue of course.

    Love the garden room and your lovely garden.

    God bless.

    1. It's jolly uncomfortable but at least it's not toothache, for which I am very thankful.
      And thank you. xx

  3. You can guarantee that you'll catch your tongue constantly on that sharp tooth. Your garden room is fantastic. Well worth the investment.

    1. I had many moments of doubt but it was, I am sure of that now. Thanks.
      And yes - all the time, however hard I try. Oh well, only four days and I am so grateful that it isn't actually causing dental pain. xx

  4. I love your garden room and I would spend all my time in there (with loo breaks of course) Catriona

    1. < chuckle > It's hard to do the housework though. ;-) xx

  5. That looks like a really beautiful view.
    Sorry about the tooth. Hopefully there won't be any pain and it can be easily fixed

    1. Thank you. It's just uncomfortable really and the sharp edge is causing a few problems but here's hoping. xx

  6. So sorry about your tooth, hopefully you'll be more comfortable after your appointment next week.
    The photo of your beautiful garden room is delightful.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I hope so. It is a check up really but if he can file down the sharp edge, that would be fine. Fingers crossed. xx

  7. Ouch poor you. I hope the tongue is feeling less sore and the dentist can fix the broken tooth or at least make it feel more comfortable for you.
