Monday 10 June 2024

Monday evening, 10-06-24

Hi, everyone, how are you?

Today started off very wet and windy.  Cold too.  Then the sun came out, then it rained, sun, rain, until early evening when it cleared up properly.  It really doesn't feel that warm though, even in the sun.

The first circuits of the block was really good.  There were just three of us - two were on holiday and one couldn't come.  It was a lot of fun though with 30 second activities and then move on quickly.  I really enjoyed it.

I tackled my guest room today and got it all ready for the weekends.  However, my friend and I have had to reschedule so she's coming in a fortnight, at the end of the month instead.  Not to worry, these things happen, don't they?

Bean count:
dwarf beans        6
runner beans        10

Don't they look cute?

This one is short and sweet - I hope your day has been great and that tomorrow is the same.
Sleep well.  xx


  1. Oooh, your beans look good! I have some Borlotti beans I must plant! The circuits activity sounds worthwhile! I like doing activities with others!

    1. Lindsey's classes are all really good, Kezzie. I enjoy them so much.
      Good luck with the borlotti beans.

  2. Grow little bean plants, grow big and strong with lots of tasty beans.

  3. Your beans are coming along very nicely. It was cold and raining here as well.

    God bless.

    1. Bit of a wonder after several failed-bean years but they look OK at the moment. We had a chilly night for June but it looks nice enough outside at the moment. xx

  4. It was quite cool here but dry after a little rain overnight. Sturdy little bean plants :-)
