Friday 28 June 2024

Friday evening, 28-06-24

Evening, everyone.  Just a quick one today.
It's not been so warm today, especially this morning.  No grumbles, just saying.  My bedroom should be lovely and comfortable this evening.
I'm leaving the egg chair uncovered overnight so it has better not rain!!

I did the usual Friday bits and bobs.  Slimming World first and then I rushed off to do some food shopping which I am taking off July's budget because that is when I will eat it.  It's all swings and roundabouts anyway really - what's left over either gets saved or it runs into the next month so it's playing with numbers and just keeping up to date.

I got a reference written for a friend and sent it off so I ticked that off the list.  And, to be honest, that was about it. 
Oh - and only one tooth-twinge today.  Yay!!
(By that, I don't mean a little hurt, I mean an ache that goes on a bit and gets worse.  Only one is really good.)

So - the kitchen is tidy, tomorrow's meals are planned and it is time to chill.  Have a lovely evening, everyone.  Take care.  xx


  1. Shingles jab 2 this morning so now nursing a sore arm. Cooler here too and hopefully will make sleeping easier. Catriona

    1. Ouch - good to have it done though. xx

  2. Quiet day here on the old homestead. I did my cleaning and managed to finish one pair of mitts and have almost finished the second pair.

    God bless.

    1. You're doing brilliantly with the mitts. How many have you made now? xx

  3. I hope the tooth manages to hang on until you can have it seen to. Unpredictable, teeth!

    1. I'm sure it will. Not long to wait now. Thanks, Janice. xx

  4. I've been reading about cloves for toothache. Pop one in your mouth and suck it. As it gradually softens you can chew it gently. Always worth a try.

    1. That rings a bell . . . I wonder what a clove like that tastes like? xx

    2. Very strong and kind of dentisty.

    3. MIght try that if necessary tomorrow. I bet it clears the old nasal passages too!! :-) xx

  5. I hope your tooth doesn't cause you too much discomfort. Not too long to wait now, at least.
    It's turned much cooler here today. It came as quite a shock after the lovely warm weather we've been having. I hope summer returns soon. Xx

    1. It's misbehaved a bit more today but only three days to go so here's hoping. xx

  6. Hope your tooth doesn't present too much pain before you can get to your dentist. Take care and enjoy a gentle, lovely day!

    1. Thanks, Debbie - I'm hoping so too. xx

  7. Not a too bad day. Glad the weather is nice. I don't like it too warm to sleep though. Hope the tooth feels better soon!

    1. It will, thanks, Sharon.
      I don't like those hot nights either. They can be very uncomfortable, can't they? xx
