Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday evening, 16-06-24

Hi, everyone.  Maybe the weather has turned because it has been pretty nice today with plenty of sunshine and a few gloomy spells.  Also, it has felt comfortably warm, thank goodness.

I didn't do much this morning but this afternoon I went over to Beth's to help her with a mega clearout she has started, coming home with a pile of ironing (now done) and some sewing to work on sometime this week.  Not tomorrow though, it's going to be quite a busy day, one way and another.

Has your Sunday been a good one?

Sleep well, everyone, and have a great day tomorrow.


  1. I'm still layering up in the early mornings but it looks as if towards the end of this week the overnight temperatures will at last tip over into double figures.
    Enjoy your busy Monday
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I do hope so. I'm still using my winder quilt and just feel cosy, not too hot at all.
      Yes, the forecasts are much more positive now, aren't they? xx
