Thursday 27 June 2024

Thursday evening, 27-06-24

Good evening, everyone.  It's been such a delightful day today, weather wise.  Not so hot and with a refreshing breeze to keep things manageable.  Hoping tomorrow is the same.

My tooth behaved itself a bit more - just two sessions that responded quickly to minimal pain killers.  What I dread is infection so the fact that it's variable and responsive eases my mind considerably.  Yes, I am a wimp!!

I went to personal training early, rescheduled from yesterday afternoon and it was fresh and not too sweaty.  A really good time chatting to Lindsey as I worked.

Then Chris came over and we sat in the garden room with good coffee and plenty to say and it was great.

Later on, I was reading through the report I needed for the Teams meeting scheduled for late afternoon when I message pinged through saying that very few people were able to make the meeting so it would be rescheduled.  So a bit more me time!  I had to write the report anyway so it isn't wasted.

As it's nearly the end of the month, I had a good look at my finances and, despite dental fees and other stuff, it makes for better reading than the end of May.  Phew.

So, really, it has been a nice day all round.

Thank you for your lovely comments on yesterday's post.  What a great bunch you are - hugs all round.

And finally - will I be able to pick this at the end of next week?  Fingers crossed.

Good night, everyone.  Sleep well.  xx


  1. Here’s hoping tonight’s comment doesn’t disappear like yesterday’s! Horrible, clammy and sometimes wet here today so the drier has been on to get the bedding done. Shingles jab part 2 tomorrow morning-Norrie had his on Monday night but I rearranged as we had just arrived home and I was tired. Catriona

    1. I'm sure I saw it yesterday, Catriona. I'll go and check the spam folder . . . xx

    2. It's there - right at the top. xx

  2. We're waiting with baited breath for our mini cucumbers - they're coming along nicely but it'll probably be another week or 10 days before we can pick them. Our carrots are lovely, so pleased with them. There'll be yellow courgettes to pick tomorrow too. Isn't it great having our own produce? xx

    1. So lovely and you can't beat the taste. xx

  3. Oh yum, fresh cucumbers.

    God bless.

  4. All this reading about others veggie growing efforts had me going to the local nursery this morning to see if we can play catch up with some established plants - my luck was in, because of the strange weather during the spring everything is later of we have 3 nice courgette plants , some leeks and about a dozen healthy looking runner bean plants. Fingers crossed 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Brilliant - all the best with them. xx

  5. That was such a lovely photo of you and your dad. I'm sorry I missed calling in yesterday. Precious memories of your dad and also your mum. My thoughts are with you today.
    Glad you have had a good day. Take care x

    1. That's OK and thank you very much. xx

  6. Ooh, how lovely. We have raspberries and a couple of strawberries, one cherry (!) and a couple of apricots. The tomatoes are flowering, the courgette is recovering, but really, I'm glad we don't have to rely on stuff we grow. We'd starve!

    1. Not half - I'd have been useless for Digging for Victory, I think.
      Good luck with your lovely produce. :-) xx
