Monday 17 June 2024

Monday evening, 17-06-24

Evening, everyone, and hasn't it been a nice day today.  It certainly has here, pretty much wall to wall sunshine and a great drying day.

I woke pretty early which worked really well.  I got plenty of meal prep done and dusted and two loads of washing on the line before heading off to Lindsey's for circuits.  She'd got all the stations set up outside and it was so nice out in the sunshine.  Quite hot but a good-hot not a bad-hot.

Once home, after a quick breakfast, I headed off into school with my governor's hat on to discuss phonics in KS1 with the phonics coordinator.  I've always been very keen on good phonics teaching, ever since I was a student in the dim and distant past so I really enjoyed hearing how it is tackled now (not that different to when I taught it eight years or so ago).
He's going to arrange a few dates for me to come in again and observe a few phonic lessons, something I'm really looking forward to.

Once home again, I hung out the third load of washing, got the first two in, got it all ironed, did some housework and generally kept myself busy.  A very satisfying day.  The only thing I need to do now is take everything up and get it put away - I'll do that when I go up at bedtime.

I took this photo this evening so the light isn't the best but the flowers are lovely.  
Sleep well, everyone.  xx


  1. The little pansies (violas?) are so pretty, they're so free-flowering and thus such good value aren't they? Three lots of washing....have you got lodgers?! haha xx

    1. LOL - no thanks. It was one whites and two darks - plus a few extras.
      Yes, they're violas. So very cheerful. xx

  2. A lovely colourful posy of flowers to end the day. Thank you, Joy.
    It has been a sunny day here too. Let's hope for a positive turn in the weather now.

    1. Oh, I really do hope so. Everyone feels happier when the sun shines, I think. xx

  3. Stunning colours of flowers in the sun. Catriona

  4. The flowers are gorgeous. Xx

    1. Thank you. They're a very pleasant eyeful, for sure. xx

  5. Such lovely flowers. The sun gives them all a bit of a shimmer.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, and violas/pansies have such happy faces. xx

  6. Little things bring such pleasure.
