Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday morning, 16-06-24

Hi, everyone.  It's a morning blog because I was so very weary yesterday evening.  I had a great night's sleep though, so am feeling brighter again now.

I'm getting the occasional twinge from the bad tooth which makes me both very glad I only have to wait another fortnight-ish before my appointment and very careful about how I chew on that side, especially after carelessly biting on a piece of raw carrot and nearly hitting the ceiling.  Oh, that hurt!  😖

The tomatoes seem to be doing nicely.  No babies yet, though, and a bit of warmth and sunshine would help.  At least I don't have to water them that often.
Ditto for the ones in pots and the two cucumber plants.  They are different kinds and the expected height is very different.  All the flowers so far have been male ones so I have pinched them out.  Hopefully, it won't be too long . . .

As for the beans, after a slow start, the runners (left and below) have decided to get a move on and, assuming these all survive, there's plenty to feed me and probably some for Beth and Alex too.  We all love runner beans.

The dwarf beans though - after a good start, they have been nibbled to death by something.  Some are just a bare stem now, sadly.  However, it is not too late to sow more outside so I think I might plant some in pots and plant them on when they are bigger - or just plant some more straight into the pot and hope.  What would you do?

We had planned one of our occasional walks yesterday, some of my SW friends and I, and we met up in the car park at Tower Gardens.  And it started raining.  Now, we are not wet weather walkers, any of us, so we made a quick decision to drive out to the Writtle Tea Rooms and have a good old chat instead.
So we did and it was lovely!!
(and the rain hammered down so it was definitely the right decision) 
There's another walk planned in a fortnight so fingers crossed.

Well, better start my Sunday, I suppose.  There's a kitchen to sort out and I'm sneezing so must take my hay fever meds soon.  It's been a very sneezy, snuffly couple of weeks but my symptoms rarely last much beyond Wimbledon fortnight so the end is in sight!

Have a lovely Sunday, everyone, whatever you have planned.  Take care and stay safe.  xx


  1. Your plants are looking great. And I'm sure we would all benefit from some warmth and sunshine - it's been so cool that my central heating came on again this morning!
    Your tea room visit sounds like the perfect substitute for a wet weather walk. Xx

    1. You just don't expect that in Mid-June, do you?
      It was really nice. We may have missed out on the exercise but we got the social stuff. :-) xx

  2. Nice, healthy plants. They really do need some warmth, though. Ours have a very long way to go..

    1. That's what they are missing, for sure. Farmers must be doing their heads in at the moment. xx

  3. This mixed weather, I can imagine the prices of some crops this autumn! Your plants look great.
    Sorry about your tooth, there are loads of us of a certain age that can empathise.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's really not helping the so-called 'cost of living crisis', that is for sure. Thanks for the sympathy - to be honest, it's only now and again and very brief. It could be loads worse. I was having a wee pity whinge, that's all. xx

  4. Very wet here again so we went and did the food shopping. Home now and think some housework will be in order once I have finished my coffee. Catriona

    1. We've had a fair bit of sunshine although it keeps clouding over. Thank goodness, it is much warmer today.
