Thursday 15 February 2024

Thursday, 15-02-24

Good morning, one and all.  It's just getting light and there has been rain but the forecast is promising.  That's good because I have plans. 

Yesterday turned out really well.  After a lazy start, I made my way over to Longacres (formerly Wyvale) where I had a little look around before popping into my trolley some polyanthus and some violas which I will probably put out tomorrow, some round the front and some round the back.  I should have got a little bad of compost too but forgot.  As well, I needed some secateurs - couldn't find mine the other day after the autumn upheaval but they will probably turn up now I have bought some more as is always the way.

It was a very pleasant outing, made even nicer when I bumped into an ex-parent I haven't seen for a good decade or so.  I never had her child in my class but was very involved in my SEN role over all the time they were at the school.
She really didn't recognise me at first so it was one of those double take moments that I got a lot when I first lost all the weight but now very much recently.

Personal Training was good too.  

Here's the new piece of kit I mentioned on Tuesday.  It is called a tower rack (very appropriate, I think!!!).  I didn't use it yesterday but I look forward to another go next week to strengthen those particular muscles.  After personal training, the aches have pretty much gone now so that's good.

Today starts with an online SET class as usual.  Then, instead of our usual coffee and chat, Chris and I are off to Hyde Hall for a walk around and some lunch.  The forecast is pretty good - it always feels cooler up on that hill but it should be sunny and the temperature is predicted to be in the mid teens which is ridiculously warm for February.

So not much time for housework today but I did a load of washing yesterday and there will be a little bit of ironing to do.  It won't take long though.

Have a lovely Thursday, everyone.  xx


  1. It's a pleasure to meet 'past parents' and to find out what the children are doing. It's a shock, sometimes, to realise how much time has passed and the 'children' have children of their own!

    1. Oh, yes. I call them my grandchildren!! It was so very nice to see them again. xx

  2. Those 'double take' moments must really lift your day. :-)

    If you find your old secateurs you can always keep the new ones in the house to be used for flower arranging ... that's what I did.

    1. They really do. I know losing the weight and other changes has made a big, big difference but even so . . .
      Good idea - I will do that, thanks. xx

  3. Polyanthus are such cheerful little plants aren't they and so hardy. A few years ago I had some ' ladies ' secateurs, they've now gone missing but are on my wish list as they were so good.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They are - they make me smile.
      What a nuisance about the secateurs. I hope you find them or some more just like. xx

  4. I always had to stop and think when I met past pupils, I doubt I'd remember parents, but I always stopped and chatted to the pupils, they all seemed so pleased to see me.

    1. It is very nice to be remembered, isn't it? I don't remember all the parents, of course, but I do tend to remember the SEN ones because I met with them so often. xx

  5. When I see some of the children I helped as an aide, or those that I was their Youth Minister with children of their own, I am always shocked and tell them to stop..... especially as they are making me feel very old. They usually laugh give me a hug or pat on the back and tell me I am not old at all. Darling little liars that they are.

    God bless.

    1. Indeed, bless them. It's lovely, isn't it? xx

  6. I find that most teachers remember a lot of their pupils! I still have people ask me about my children and they are all in their 30s now lol. Glad you had a good time out.

    1. Yes, I find that too. Ande the number of times I see people who look very familiar but I can't quite place them . . . and then I remember much later. xx
