Monday 12 February 2024

Monday, 12-02-24

Morning, everyone.  here we are, well into the second week of February and it was light when I woke today.  Admittedly, I didn't wake until nearly half past seven and now I am wondering if I have really broken the early waking habit.  If so, I need to get a reliable and loud alarm clock or dig out the one I have and see if it still works which would be far more sensible.

I managed to get out into the garden - it wasn't too hard as the sun was shining and the birds were singing and it was lovely and mild.
I went out just before twelve and, when I glanced at my watch about half an hour later, it was nearly half past two!  Doesn't time fly sometimes.

I tidied up that middle bed which now looks pretty green, what with the cyclamen leaves covering the soil and the bulbs spiking through, not to mention the early summer flowers coming up -lupins and geraniums, for example  . . .

. . . and then more or less sorted out the other two beds, using redundant pot soil to infill the edges where they had worked on the wall repair and left gaps.  There's still a bit more work to do on the herb and foliage bed but not all that much really.  I sorted out other pots, chucked some old stuff out and generally made good inroads into it all.
Sooze, I thought of you when I was emptying one pot and found a cluster of daffodil bulbs that hadn't really done anything for years.  They're now separated and in different places including a few round the front where there's a bit of a bulb gap.  Fingers crossed.

What I forgot to do, I have just realised, is prune back the clematis - drat.  Still, that's a matter of minutes and really won't take long at all.
There's still loads of other bits and bobs but we're getting there.  I am trying to think of things that are tall and narrow to add more height to the whole bed without taking up too much space.

Today begins with circuits at Lindsey's studio and then I have my friend Mel staying for coffee when she delivers my Avon order.  Usually, Monday is downstairs cleaning but I should still have time for that, especially as I gave it a going over on Friday so it's really not that bad.

That's the highlights of my Monday.  How about you?  xx


  1. Too wet here to do anything. Walking over the back 'lawn' is like walking over a sponge!

    1. I'm glad I don't have much of a lawn but there's standing water in the friends over the road. The sun's shining now be we obviously had more rain overnight, xx

  2. That little flower bed is going to look so pretty when the bulbs start popping. It hammered down until mid afternoon yesterday so wasn't gardening weather. Cold but bright this morning.

    1. It's at its best spring and early summer, I think. It does look pretty.
      We got the rain later on - did you send it down? ;-) xx

  3. That brick bed is looking very smart now, I love the shape of it.

    We've got gorgeous sunshine here today, very cold but sunny. I got up early, it was almost light at 7am here so I have a good start on the day, all chores done and only books and blogs calling my name. :-)

    1. I do love my walled beds. One of the garden things I am so very glad I had done and the new walls should see me out.
      It's still cold here. Glorious sunshine but I think I'm doing inside chores today. xx

  4. Isn't it great to be able to spend a bit more time outside pottering in the garden. Your raised bed is looking lovely, Joy x

    1. Thank you very much. It's nice to be getting things tidied and neatened up after the chaos that was the garden room build. xx

  5. The sun is shining here today but the ground is sodden. We need some wind to dry it out. x x x

    1. Yes, we really do. Drainage is fine in my garden but the fields have standing water and the puddles are not going. xx

  6. It been a houseworky sort of day for me and I'll need to finish off this afternoon , but had a large lunch so giving myself some feet up time first! Line dried two loads of washing, that's how good our weather is today 😍
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Good for you. Feet up is always a Good Thing to be able to do. It is a beautiful day, isn't it? xx

  7. Very easy to reach and maintain, I do my best gardening standing on a pathway learning over a flower bed, the others take their chance if I can reach them properly.

    1. I seem to remember your garden is really lovely though. We all do what we can manage, don't we? xx

  8. Your center bed looks lovely. While the last two days have been nice and sunny (still cool though) the forecast calls for snow tomorrow. Then more sun.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. It's quite cold here after a lovely mild Sunday but that's just comparatively cold, not really that bad! :-) Good luck with the snow. xx

  9. love reading your blog to see how your garden is coming along.

    1. Thank you, Gill, how lovely. It's getting more interesting as Spring nears. xx
