Thursday 8 February 2024

Thursday, 08-02-24

Good morning, all.  It's really not nice outside - very wet, a bit windy and getting colder.  Not cold enough for snow, thank goodness, but cold enough to make me very thankful I'm not going out today!!

I got the shopping done yesterday, driving over to M&S/Aldi.  I'm all set up for the next week, I hope, with a few extra bits and bobs for tomorrow evening.  Once home and tidy again, it was time to log on and start that SEND link governor training.  'It should take around two hours' it said at the top.  Who ever thought that must have been a very fast worker.  And the internet went down half way through too which was more than a bit annoying.
Never mind, I got it all done so was able to go to the meeting with a clear conscience and it did give me some good ideas for fulfilling my SEND governor role so was well worth doing.

Today I'm running really late after sleeping until after seven.  I've done my online SET class and am just waiting for Chris to arrive.  Then it's the usual stuff really and I'm glad to have an easier afternoon.  If the rain stops, I might go out for a walk, I'll see how I feel.

Have a lovely day, whatever the weather is doing your way.  xx


  1. Our weather sounds like yours so we shan't be venturing far today. Enjoy a quiet day! x x x

    1. I really am, thanks. Sometimes, doing not much at all is lovely. I hope you're enjoying your day too. xx

  2. I read on the online news that some parts of the UK could get a great deal of snow. Hope it isn't you. Weather here is keeping me inside, but I am very well occupied getting things competed.

    God bless.

    1. No snow here, just rain, thankfully. I think they've had snow further north though. I'm glad you're safe and warm at home. xx

  3. It is cold enough for snow here, as well, but we've got rain instead.
    It's good that you managed to get your SEND training completed. X

    1. I guess it might turn to snow but I'm glad it is rain so far anyway.

      I was relieved. There's a bit I need to go over again for my own satisfaction but it's ticked off on my record so that's good. xx

  4. I hope the rain stops, and you get to take your walk. I need to exercise the dogs today, since it has stopped snowing.

    1. I loved the snowy photos on your blog - so beautiful.
      I hope you got your dog walk/exercise in without too much hassle. xx

  5. It's been raining here all day, but might get chilly enough for a little snow tonight. Glad you were able to get your online stuff done despite the internet going down!

    1. Hopefully, it won't be too bad or restricting.
      Thanks - it was a relief as I've known (and forgotten) about it for a while. I need to look up what I want to do next and make a note in my diary, I think. xx
