Monday 19 February 2024

Monday, 19-02-24 - and the rest

Running late so I'll be back later with a proper Monday blog.  Sorreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . . . 

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OK, back from Circuits and now I have time to write this.
The problem - well, not problem exactly - was that I slept until past half past seven which is pretty unusual but becoming more frequent over the last months.  That's fine, no complaints, but I have a morning routine that rather relies on waking early.  I'll just have to change the routine, that's all - being able to sleep longer is a real blessing and not something I wish out of my life.

I didn't really do very much yesterday.  It was a funny old day, weather wise.  One minute it was sunny and the next it was raining hard.  Today looked as if it was going to be pleasant so I put in a load of washing but it's raining lightly now so out comes the drying rack as soon as it's finished in the machine.

Today, I am just back from circuits.  As it is half term, one of the ladies brought her three boys along, as she did last year on occasions, and it was great to have them there.  Bless them, they joined in most enthusiastically, especially the youngest one, and were a pleasure to have on board.
I was particularly pleased with myself as I managed to do some actual jumps, whole feet off the floor at the same time.  To put this in context, ever since I damaged my calves and ankles just before Dad died, jumping/bouncing/etc have all been no-noes as the strength just hasn't been there to do the action properly and safely.  Lindsey and I have been quietly working away at getting some strength back and it's all coming together.  Slow and steady works.   We still don't know what I did to them but never mind . . .

I'm writing this and then I need to have breakfast before doing the downstairs housework.  Monday has a nice pattern to it nowadays which makes it very satisfying.

I'll leave you with this photo - I bought these alstroemerias about ten days ago and just look how lovely they still are.  Such a good buy.
Have a lovely day, whatever the weather.  xx


  1. No need to apologise. If you didn't have a life you would have nothing to write about. Take care. xx

  2. The flowers are beautiful.
    Sleeping well is a skill to be cherished isn't it - my OH has chronic insomnia which is a right pain in the proverbial!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. A skill and a gift. I rarely sleep badly but it can be a pain to wake at four. On the other hand, you can do loads first thing and get it done and dusted. xx

  3. Astroemerias last for ages don't they, always a good buy.

    1. They do and they're so pretty as well. xx

  4. I think my flower order this week will be alstromeria; last week I bought a bunch of roses but I suspect they had been without water for too long. Although I cut a good 2" from each stem and plunged them straight into fresh water, the partly opened buds never opened any further. Poor things. I have weekly grocery deliveries from Sainsbury's and flowers are my occasional treat.

    1. Roses are usually tricky, I have found. I'm not sure why really.
      I like to treat myself to flowers now and again too. It's lovely. xx

  5. I am like you, I have a routine and like you I am starting to sleep a little longer in the morning and am having to force myself to get up, as I am most productive in a morning. It's hard breaking a routine though, isn't it?

    1. It is hard - you get to rely on certain times to do certain things, don't you? xx

  6. The flowers are sure saying very beautiful, that is a very long time for flowers. I have found myself sleeping more as well, or at least later. I think it is because I haven't been feeling too well the last little while.

    God bless.

    1. Sleep is a great healer so it is good that you're sleeping longer. Hope you continue to get better. xx

  7. Beautiful flowers and well worth the money. Maybe you're beginning to relax after all these years and so can sleep longer ;-) x x x

    1. Could be, Janice, although it is also perhaps to do with the fact that I am managing to stay awake longer in the evenings. Who knows? xx

  8. There are lots of lovely signs of Spring on the way in your garden. The pots are very pretty along with other new shoots peeping out of the ground in search of the sunshine. The Alstroemeria flowers are beautiful. They look so delicate and yet last ages in water. Well worth the money I think. I'm glad everybody had fun at circuits. Good to hear about the children joining in. Well done with your jumps as well. A lot of hard work by both you and Lindsey to get to that point :-)
    Enjoy the week x

    1. Very much so, on and off! :-) Thanks, and you have a good week too. xx
