Wednesday 21 February 2024

Wednesday, 21-02-24

A very good morning to you all.  After a dry day yesterday, it had to break sometime, didn't it, and today I have woken to rain.  It's not cold, just wet!  

The walk down to the hall for Groove yesterday was lovely, as was the session.  We were a bit thinner on the ground because on half term but it was good - Lindsey used an old playlist and routines to ring the changes and it was fun to revisit them.

I discovered that one of the ladies who is in my circuit group and comes to Groove is a keen knitter and is also knitting scarves for Potters and also things for the premature baby unit.  She's also knitting little bees, also for the hospital, although I'm not totally clear why; I will ask Lindsey who told me about it in the first place.  I already had the pattern but hadn't started so when I sat down yesterday I got going.  The pattern is not totally correct, I think, but not to worry, I was able to work it out (I just hope it's not me misinterpreting it) and they are quick to make and very cute

She brought along info maps and cards for this 'thing' that's happening from next Wednesday through to April called Beat the Street, a sort of game to find 'Beat Boxes' around the area and tap them with a card to record that you've found it.  The idea is to get people out and about in the local area, on foot, cycling or wheelchairing and loads of the local schools have got involved.  The map tells you where the boxes are all over town, it's not totally random.
Lindsey is one of the local organisers and, as you can form teams, I joined hers, Shimmy Sheneghans, when I registered yesterday.  
If you're interested, it's
Once home, after breakfast, I did the upstairs housework with particular attention to under and around my bed as I'm getting the new base on Monday.  The under-drawers are now out and empty and all I have to do on Sunday is take off the bedding, wash it all, including the valance, and take off the mattress - I'll sleep in the other room Sunday night.  So, when they come and take the old bed, I won't be embarrassed!!

Today I'm off into town first thing to pay the rest of the bed order in John Lewis.  I'll see how the weather goes; I would prefer to get the bus, obviously, but if it's raining hard, it will be the car.  After paying the balance, I'd like to have a little wander around, rain permitting.

Later on, it is personal training with Lindsey.  In between town and training, I would like to give the garden room a clean.  It doesn't get dirty at the moment so it won't take long to freshen it up.

I have enough to do to keep me happily occupied, don't I?  What are your plans for today?  And what's the weather like your way?
Have a good day, whatever . . .  xx


  1. I hadn't heard of beatthestreet - it sounds like a good scheme to get people involved in the community.
    It's wet and windy here this morning but that hasn't deterred the birds - they're very busy.

    1. If people do it properly, yes it should do. I will portion out the town, bus or drive to an area and then do the walking around. I'm looking forward to getting to know other areas of town a bit better. xx

  2. We’ve had a few towns taking part in Beat the Street here in South Lanarkshire. Lots of parents drove their children round to collect the points as they couldn’t be bothered walking/cycling with them. Very wet today again. Catriona

    1. Well, more fool them - that's not the idea at all, obviously. Yes, it's still wet here and looks set for the day now. xx

  3. lots of snow on the ground, but will be above freezing today. Going to the library for the February craft class, looking forward to it.

    1. That sounds lovely - have a great time.
      Hopefully, the snow will go quickly. xx

  4. I think it's my fault the weather broke and the rain came back ... I fixed up the washing line and hung the bedding out. I had to bring it in after an hour as the skies darkened, I must have been too presumptuous!! ;-)

    My plans for today now that I'm back from shopping is to hang todays washing load on the airer in the bedroom once the machine finishes and then an hours work on the computer before a late lunch and a read.

    1. Oh, you bad person, you!!! < grin > asking for trouble! At least it got a bit of a blow in the fresh air.
      I'm washing some bedding too and it most certainly will not go outside today! :-) xx

  5. The idea behind Beat the Street is very intriguing. Anything that helps people get out and about is awesome.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I think so too and it is lovely that so many primary schools have come on board with it. xx

  6. Oh that is a good idea (beat the street). I always enjoy doing the different art trails that seem to be around when I come over. It's a great thing to take children around to and get them outside walking.

    1. I think it is a really good idea. It's happening in various towns and cities and one of the centres is round here. xx
