Sunday 4 February 2024

Sunday, 04-02-24

Good morning, everyone.  Welcome to Sunday.  It's a dull day out there but so mild that I don't need a dressing gown which is nice.

On the way back from the shed, I took a few snaps of growing things.

There's a few half decent clumps of snowdrops.  This one is in the middle of the bed so didn't get disturbed too much.
Last year's new lupins are emerging.  That happened last year and then a cold snap killed them off - fingers crossed for this year.

I'm hoping the weather stays mild and dry because I'd quite like to make it Sort Out The Garden week.  A little bit each day would work wonders and is very do-able.

Fingers crossed.

Yesterday was pretty much a nothing sort of day and today looks like being similar.  Apart from the daily stuff, the only productive thing I did was knitting.  I read, watched telly, did a bit of social mediating - etc, etc, etc.

Maybe I could start garden week this afternoon instead of tomorrow.  I think I need some fresh air.
How's your weekend going?  xx

(Stephanie, I need to apologise - one of your comments ended up as spam for some reason and, when I dealt with it, I think I must have deleted it by mistake as I couldn't then find it in the relevant place.  So sorry.)


  1. Yes, the garden is slowly coming to life isn't it. As you say it's the time of year to do a little each day and hopefully stay on top of things, of course I say that every year and somehow it never happens. :-)

    I'm finding a LOT of comments going into spam on my blog at the moment, including previously published ones. I am having to check it every day again and re-instate them. Even some of my own replies to my commenters end up in there, how it works that way I have no idea.

    1. It's very odd, isn't it? For the life of me, I can't see why perfectly harmless comments end up in Spam (and the occasional spammy ones still get through) but at least checking every day means nothing gets left very long. It was my fault Steph's was deleted, it must have been.

      As far as the garden is concerned - we will see at the end of the week!! :-)

  2. The ground is extremely soggy, not helped, of course, by the dogs 'playing' out there at every opportunity. It's much milder now, but drizzly again.

    1. The sun is trying to break through here which is really rather nice. xx

  3. Very overcast here with no sign of any sun breaking through. The snowdrops are such a welcome sight and we have a few crocuses now and early daffodils.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Just snowdrops flowering here although the others are coming up which is nice to see. xx

  4. I'm delighted that I can see my new snowdrops way up my garden from my step by the French doors and my lupins have survived the winter, yeh!

    1. Excellent. It is heartwarming to see all the new growth, isn't it? xx

  5. I'm envious of your greenery already. We're still a couple of months away from that here. But it has been mild and we've had rain which is very odd for this time of year. More snow in the forecast for Wednesday though.

    1. I do hope the snow isn't too long lasting or restricting for you. We hardly ever get any here, hence the earlier spring start, I guess. xx

  6. We have more snow coming this week, so any spring gardening will have to wait for awhile once again. Lots of nice greenery poking up. Keeping my fingers crossed that you don't get a frost.

    God bless.

    1. Hoping the snow isn't too bad or too long lasting. And thanks. xx

  7. How lovely that your plants are beginning to grow! I love snowdrops. There is only one patch I know of near me. Perhaps I'll get back in time to see them!

    1. I hope so. How much longer are you expecting to stay? xx
