Thursday 22 June 2023

Thursday, 22-06-23

 Morning, everyone.  The sun is shining (three cheers) and it should be dry most of the day says the BBC.  Thank you - I'll take that!

Firstly, thank you all for your lovely comments about the folk art pictures.  So kind of you and I see Suze has posted her thanks in yesterday's comments too.

I didn't have a photo so I went out into the garden just now to find one and came in with three!

The first cucumber flower, most inconveniently placed but it's a male so not a problem!
To mis-quote a song: 

tomatoes are popping out all o----ver!  🎜♬♫
Not just on this plant but lots of others too.  Time to start using the tomato food weekly (Saturdays works for me).
On the subject of tomatoes, I will be getting two more from my lovely friend, Julia.  One is a beefsteak tomato and the other is, I think, just an orange salad tomato.  I'm not quite sure where I will put them yet but where there's a will, there's a way, for sure.

And thirdly, the yellow courgette still looks really happy and is sending out plenty of new leafage.
So are the other two, in fact, but they are a lot smaller and in pots because I have no more ground space.

Yesterday was another good day.  I popped down the road to school at drop off time and did my bit for the Summer Fair sorting out clothes for the second hand uniform stall.  Not the most exciting task in the whole world but worth helping with.  One of my ex-mums (I had both her oldest two in Y1) popped her head in and looked straight past me.  It was only when I said Hi that she did a double take and recognised me.  Time and time again I get this.  Much shorter hair, losing all that weight, fixing my teeth and general wrinkly aging means that people just don't recognise me.  My voice is obviously more memorable!

Back home, I pottered doing houseworky stuff before exploring a bit of YouTube and watching a podcast by Chris Van Tulleken which was so interesting I went onto Amazon and bought his book, 'Ultra Processed People' (on Kindle).  Both Sue H and Sue G have mentioned this in their blogs and I'm finding it fascinating although it does require a careful and critical reading approach; it's not a skim read.  
Also, I received notification that today my pre-order of the new Pinch of Nom book is arriving - I'm looking forward to it very much indeed.

I've been trying to hold back from filling the car up but the needle was so low that there was absolutely no chance of lasting out until July so filled her up and, judging by the amount I got in, it was just as well.
At least I won't need to fill up in July now (I hope)

Personal Training was great.  Lots of strength stuff and really good fun.  Thanks, Lindsey.

Today is a typical Thursday - SET online, coffee with Chris and get the house cleaner friendly!  Then I plan to settle down with my new books and just enjoy them.
Such a hard life!

Have a great day, everyone


  1. It must be so strange not to be recognised.
    It's sounding like you will have enough tomatoes to eat every day!

    1. I've got used to it now but it was weird at first.
      Hopefully, I will have tomatoes enough to give away too - that would be lovely. Fortunately, I can eat fresh tomatoes morning, noon and night - wonderful stuff!

  2. Endless tomatoes sound wonderful to me! x x

    1. Me too. One of the best thing about summer! :-) xx

  3. I bet you get a LOT of compliments once they DO recognise you. :-)

    Yes, it's a book that needs careful reading but it is proving so worth it. I'm well over the halfway point now and I feel as though I'm learning such a lot. I find I am reading every label as I start to prepare my meals. I might be changing some things but not everything, very few of us could avoid UPF completely these days.

    1. I do - it's nice.

      I find myself checking labels of things in my6 cu pboards and I will when I go shopping from now on. I agree, you can't totally cut out all UPFs but at least I can make an effort and, as I said in my other, SW blog, thank goodness I can and do cook from scratch most of the time.

  4. Lots of tomatoes are a good thing. Enjoy.

    God bless.

    1. They certainly are. There's very little nicer than a bowlful of fresh, sun ripened, fresh picked tomatoes. They make summer for me. xx
