Friday 16 June 2023

Friday, 16-06-23


I have no idea where this came from.  Self sown, it turned up several years ago and has grown back every single year.  I don't mind - it brightens up that little space and isn't any trouble at all.  It hardly even needs watering.

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to a lovely Friday early morning.  The forecast is perfect - sunny, gentle breeze, around 25C.  Very similar to yesterday, in fact, which was a really beautiful summer day.

I didn't really do much.  Chat with Chris was, as always, great.  I did a bit of housework, a bit of side shooting and tying up, some cooking and so on, and in the afternoon I had a siesta (sounds better than 'a snooze', doesn't it?).  And that was about it.

Today, it's Slimming World first thing, then I must make sure the house is cleaner-friendly and then - I really don't know and I don't have much idea of what I fancy doing either.  Maybe some menu planning for the coming week, maybe sorting out a few spaces that could do with a clear out - I won't be bored anyway.

Finishing with a happy, this bay was almost totally destroyed during the two cold spells we had.  All the leaves died and fell off apart from just five on a pathetic little twig low down.  It was going to be chucked and replaced (I use the leaves in cooking) but I spotted some tiny little buds coming out from the bottom so decided to wait.  And look at it now!
I'm so glad.

Happy Friday, everyone.  Have a wonderful day.  xx


  1. That fern is a little beauty. We have one that popped up next to the pond and it looks beautiful. I'm glad your little bay survived. All it needed was a little patience and some TLC.

    1. Absolutely. The plant that was in the pot does but the fern survived. I like that! As for the bay - I just so so pleased when new growth started popping up. I've had that one for absolutely ages; decades, in fact. xx

  2. Too hot for me today so I am going to have a day of shortening trousers and matbe some embroidery. Catriona

    1. It's very hot here now too, after a nice, fresh start to the day. I'm staying in and keeping as cool as I can.
      Enjoy your sewing. You have reminded me that I need to catch up with Sewing Bee

  3. It's so satisfying when things revive. Enjoy your weekend x x

    1. Very satisfying indeed and joyful too. xx

  4. I love ferns, they are so resilient and vanish every Winter only to come back fresh and vibrant each Spring. Alan hates them with a vengeance ... we have two in the back garden. :-)

    1. I love that one. An unexpected blessing, I guess. I wonder why he hates them - I appreciate the pop of fresh green. xx

  5. I love ferns, you think they've died off completely over winter and then they spring back to life! We have a few at the caravan. Have a nice restful afternoon xx

    1. I wonder if one would go nicely round the front or are they invasive, I wonder? This one is in a pot so can't invade. xx

  6. Your fern looks really healthy - must love its home! I have several ferns which brighten up dark shady areas of the garden. The fronds happily hide the unwanted germinated seeds from the bird table!
    You have reminded me about Sewing Bee - as sleep took over at the end of the catwalk I don't know who left! If you have caught up can you share this during our sewing workshop tomorrow - I am really looking forward to it.
    Suze x

    1. It must do - a can't see why because it is thoroughly neglected and rarely even gets watered but there you go! Maybe I should treat it better . . .
      I didn't get round to Sewing Bee yesterday but I plan to this morning. Hopefully I will be able to let you know.
      See you later. xx

  7. Your bay is sure coming back well. That fern is one that grows here on the prairies of Canada. I always called ours an ostrich fern...Probably the wrong name.

    God bless.

    1. I will look that up, thanks, Jackie. Yes, I'm pleased about the bay, really happy. xx

  8. Glad you managed to rescue the plant. Have a nice weekend!

    1. :-) Thanks, although I don't think it was me really. It came back all by itself.
      You too - going on any good walks? xx
