Sunday 4 June 2023

Sunday, 04-06-23

Good morning, everyone.  The sun is shining already, my fingers almost feel warm, the lunchtime meat is in the slow cooker, the diary is empty and the garden is looking lovely (from a distance!).

And the clematis ooh la la is in flower.  Better late than never and there are hundreds of buds this year.

Yesterday's walk was absolutely lovely.  The sun had come out by that point, it was getting warmer, there were enough people around to make it lively, children were having a great time in the play area, the birds were singing their little socks off and everyone was smiley and happy!

I took a few photos.

There were some lovely flowers to be seen

View across the lake one way . . . . 

I do love poppies.

. . .  and the other!

Always a problem.

They're repainted the murals on and under the bridges and they look really good.  Some were just nice and some carried messages - like this one.

I got all my washing done, dried and ironed - I always feel good when that's done - and I sorted out my jeans.  The ones that are slightly too tight still are out of the way and I will try them again in half a stone's time!  It's not a problem - I'm not short of things to wear, not at all!

Today I am taking it easy (again).  I shall sit outside with a coffee, a book, a magazine and my comfy chair or, maybe, the egg chair and I'll probably nod off for a while.  And that's about it!  

Stay safe, everyone, and have a lovely Sunday.  xx


  1. Enjoy your day of rest. It's so lovely to see the sun and feel its warmth x

    1. It really is - it's been so chilly recently. I hope you have a wonderful time too. xx

  2. I'm glad you're getting some sunshine, at last - we've had the sun for the last 2 or 3 weeks (sorry!) and it's been glorious. Your day sounds wonderful. Oh, and I love your new header, such beautiful colours. xx

    1. Most of the country has had lovely warm sunshine. Usually the South East gets it when other places don't so it's time we had our turn, I guess. I've seen from your blog posts how lovely it's been, perfect for time at the van for you both. xx

  3. Sunny here too today - hope it warms up . Enjoy your restful day

    1. That's good. It's been the same for you, hasn't it? I'm sure it will warm up as the sum moves round.
      Hoping you have a great day too. xx

  4. I love poppies too, aren't they just glorious, and I do like to see a fountain in a lake it just looks so cooling doesn't it.

    We had a lovely sunny, hot Saturday so Alan managed to get all his washing dry in the morning and then I used the line in the afternoon and all mine was dry for teatime, so we have had a day off today and visited Morecambe to the vegan food fair. We've come home with full tummies and cakes in the fridge for teatime, what a brilliant weekend. The dogs are snoring away at the moment, so I think they enjoyed themselves too. :-)

    1. Very cooling and, as there was a bit of a breeze, there was a slight splash effect in the air which was lovely.
      Your weekend sounds fantastic. xx

  5. Glad you are enjoying your Sunday
    Super hot here and very dry but I'm not complaining!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It was lovely, warm and lazy, thanks. I wouldn't say hot but very nice sitting out in the garden. xx

  6. Love your flowers - my clematis is full of buds this year too with loads of flowers as well. My giant alliums are just bursting into flower, the garden is really looking lovely.
    I will be in touch this week. Thanks.
    Suze x

    1. It seems to be a good year for garden flowers, I think, and this is a good time of the year too. xx

  7. Yay! Your weather has improved at last. There's nothing wrong in taking things easy. You're usually so busy, so relax and enjoy the sunshine. Xx

    1. It is something I am learning after a lifetime of having to be busy. There's no intrinsic moral high ground about busyness for busyness' sake, is there? I don't have to be seen to have loads to do any more.
      And breathe . . . . ;-)

  8. That is a stunning clematis. I hope you get lots of flowers from it this year,Joy.

    1. Thanks. It is a beauty and it's in its fourth or fifth year now. xx
