Good morning, everyone. It's the weekend again, a dull start it it too and expected to stay dull and rather cold all day. I'm crossing my fingers for no rain though.
Yesterday's personal training went fine although I could tell Lindsey toned it back just a bit. There are no more aches than usual after an hour of working out so I guess things are more or less back to normal again, thankfully.
My chat with Jackie was very short. Sadly, she has also done something to her back, just yesterday, in fact, and it very uncomfortable. Poor love, I sympathise very much.
Rather more happily, I not only got most of the washing done, it was also ironed. The basket is temporarily empty but there's one last load in the machine right now so that will get done today.
Apart from that last bit of washing/drying/ironing, I really must get to the allotment today. Judging by my own little patch of grass, there will be no need to take the mower with me but I might try the mini rotavator on some of the cleared soil and I will certainly plant those perishing broad beans!! There's probably some cheeky weeds to hoe back and I want to start clearing the weeds under the fruit trees before replenishing the chippings.What are your plans. Do you find your weekend plans all that different to your weekday plans?
I'm glad your back is a bit better. It certainly is a bit dull and cold here too but I'm trying to brave the garden today. xx
ReplyDeleteEnjoy. I've had breakfast and am setting off very soon. It's still dull but no rain.
I can always bring my ironing round if you have space in your ironing basket ðŸ¤
ReplyDeleteIt's good to hear that your back pain has gone an hope the allotment work doesn't aggravate whatever it was. Good luck getting the beans in.
I'm just back and it's been absolutely fine. I was careful and did plenty of stretching. I might feel it generally later but no specific problems. Much relieved. :-)
A good soak in a nice hot epsom salts bath will do you the world of good... But then so would a large glass of wine and a chocolate bar.. :-)
ReplyDeleteGet thee behind me. lol. I reckon a nice hot coffee and a snooze in my lovely recliner will be lovely!
Wish the weather would cheer up a bit.
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend and be careful with your back
It's all rather gloomy and chilly again, isn't it. Me too.
DeleteI've settled on Tuesday (early) as my once a week shopping day. It's usually quite quiet. This week I only had two things to iron!
ReplyDeleteI think I will carry on shopping when it's quiet - i.e. early morning. It's much nicer.
DeleteTwo things? Wow!
I hope you manage to get to the allotment. I must admit that I rarely iron. Especially in winter when the tumble dryer is being used (anything put outside would just freeze solid lol).
ReplyDeleteI did, thanks. I try not to use the tumble dryer except for towels. I love how fluffy they come out.
I am a very happy bean if I manage to see the bottom of my ironing basket which sad to say isn't often...sigh. keep well Amanda x
ReplyDeletelol - it's an ongoing trial, isn't it?
You put me to shame, I don't have an ironing basket or do any ironing. I used to :-)