Wednesday 6 January 2021


 Good morning.  I doesn't feel so cold this morning, perhaps because there's no breeze, and it's certainly a bit brighter - at the moment!  The forecast is for light rain but  we will see!

I started yesterday off with an early shopping trip, the reasoning being that early would mean less crowding.  There were a fair number of people out early, not loads but perhaps more than usual but I saw no panic buying - what I would call panic buying anyway.  What I did see was people around my age or older, getting what they needed for the week and then adding a few extras.  I saw one lady getting two cans of tuna and then going back for another two as an afterthought.  I have to admit, I got a few more things myself, both in M&S and in Aldi (they are close to each other) and now I have the comfortable feeling that I probably won't need to do much shopping for a while; I can stay at home and be safe(r).

But there was no panic buying by which I mean people filling their trolleys with multiple items and there was plenty on all the shelves.

Once home, I sorted everything out and put it all away and, I have to admit, I felt more 'secure'.  Is that silly?  I don't know but I'm finding this latest lockdown plus the new variant spreading so fast has shaken me more than I would have thought.

I had a lovely chat with Dad late afternoon.  He's managing very well with help from Ann, his neighbour, plus Gail and Colin who help with housework and garden respectively.  Beth finished her first day and celebrated, I believe, with a G&T.  She has plenty to do/read/learn but that won't faze (or is it phase?) her.

Today I have a scheduled chat with my lovely friend, Val, in the morning, followed by online personal training.  However, sadly, it is now time to take down the Christmas tree and all the other decorations - bunting and cushions being the main ones - and that's my job for the afternoon.  It's been lovely and bright but things move on and the sparkly much go back into boxes and bags for eleven months or so.

Well, I need to stop.  This is quite late because I slept until an unheard of half past seven this morning.  I wish that would happen more often!

Stay warm, stay safe.  xx


  1. I'm the same as you. I was expecting the new lockdown but now it's happened, it's shaken my confidence and I feel completely unsettled. Let's hope people take it seriously this time and follow the rules.

    1. Thank you for saying that, Eileen. It helps to know others are feeling the same. Let's hope so although people are still calling it one big fraud. How they can, I have no idea.

  2. It is nice to know you have at least a couple of weeks worth of food in the house isn't it, as you say very reassuring.

    At least all the people calling it a fraud are being called out now both on social media and on the television by the likes of Piers Morgan. I usually detest the man but what he said yesterday made sense!!

    1. He's not my favourite cuppa tea by a long way either but you don't have to like the man to agree with what he says.
      Yes, it is nice to know. Also nice to know that I can help friends out if they get a bit short.

  3. Lockdown again wasn't something I wanted, but as the figures of those infected went up and up, I thought it was needed. My son who lives alone about 4 miles from us, no job as that went in the first lockdown keeps himself busy but I do worry about him being alone.. we took him, all the biscuits, cakes and jams we'd been given to keep us from eating it all yesterday and today the rest of our Christmas came down. I'm packing it all up and cleaning as I go.. we'll soon be spic and span but it all looks a bit bare at the moment. Roll on spring.

    1. It's all down here as well and it's kind of sad but I've brightened up that corner where the tree was.
      A great way to deal with leftovers and I'm sure he was thrilled. He can have a support bubble, of course.

  4. Now that all my lovely houseplants are back in their places the house doesn't feel so bare. We have our cupboards well stocked and if I am careful we could manage for several months without setting foot outside the house. As soon as I have some freezer space I think I might buy some extra milk and freeze it just in case.

    1. I'm terrible with pot plants; they just die on me. Maybe I should invest in a few though.
      I have several cartons of long life milk to see me through the next weeks. I'm not a huge milk drinker anyway but to have some in stock seems just sensible right now. Once they are opened, I can freeze most of each carton to avoid it going off.

  5. No avoiding the fact that numbers of sick people are going up and up everywhere especially here in the East and like you Ifeel much more nervous about going out this time

    1. It's only natural, isn't it? It's the only thing we can do really.

  6. We are in the latter stages of a 25 day lockdown and our numbers are still going up! Hope yours start to improve soon and the shots keep rolling out.

    1. What the number don't tell us is how or where, do they. Is it people who are seriously isolating or is it people who haven't taken Lockdown seriously enough - or contacts of those people? Sometimes we just don't know enough and sometimes too much. :-)
