Saturday 30 January 2021


Good morning, everyone!  How has the week been for you?  It seems to have cooled down quite a lot after a fairly mild day but yesterday's forecast of snow today has changed to sleet.  Yuck!

While I was out shopping on Thursday morning, a recipe book jumped into my trolley.  Honest, it did!!  Until Eileen mentioned this book, I'd never heard of Dr Rupy Aujla so I'd looked him up and found and found a series of cookery programmes on iPlayer that had been broadcast in 2019.  How did I miss them, I ask myself.

Anyway, this book is called Doctor's Kitchen 3-2-1 and, basically, it has recipes that have three portions of fruit and veg, serve two and are cooked in one pan, hence the title.  The recipes look lovely; some of the ingredients are rather outside what I usually use but I am sure they can be substituted.   I'm looking forward to a good stroll through the contents.

The chat with Jackie was lovely yesterday morning.  We missed last week as something had gone wrong with her car and it had to be taken in for repairs.  As soon as it is permitted, I will be back on her front door step, Christmas present in hand, to have a face to face chat again, but in the meanwhile, these online chats are a great substitute.

That was pretty much it for the day.  I did a bit of housework but the place is pretty up to scratch anyway and I then enjoyed the usual knitting, reading, watching telly (I'm enjoying Star Trek: Voyager on Netflix at the moment), snugged up in my warm and comfortable chair.  I'm still working through the Christmas candles too; there's something very cosy and comfortable about a lit candle, isn't there?

Today is going to be exactly the same!  I have some washing and then drying and ironing, there's always the daily stuff - wiping things down, bathroom and loo, making the bed, meals and clearing up and so on and so forth.  It's supposed to be wet all day so staying indoors sounds the best thing.  I really need to get outside for walks more but maybe not in the rain/sleet/whatever!

Time to start in the kitchen by emptying the dishwasher and then getting everything ready for the day, not to mention the second hot drink of the day.   Stay warm, dry, safe and well, everyone, whatever your plans and expectations for the day.  xx


  1. There is nothing like a new recipe book to stimulate ideas and Im glad you are enjoying star trek I have watched the whole lot and I must say I did enjoy them even though I had seen them before.

    1. There's something about Star Trek, isn't there? I'm really enjoying it.

  2. These seems like such a brilliant idea. I too will be checking out the iplayer. Have a wonderful day. xx

    1. They are very watchable and, although not long, enjoyable. It helps that he is quite a looker. ;-)

  3. I had never heard of doctor Rupy before, so I did a quick Google... how I missed him I don't know. Most of his stuff seems to be veggie or vegan and I'm on a lot of forums where he ought to have been mentioned. I've had a very enjoyable trundle though the interwebs, and that book is definitely on my shopping list! Thank you for the heads up!

    1. I'm glad, not just that I'm not the only one to have heard of him, but that mentioning his has been so helpful. Thanks for letting me know.

  4. I've been watching some of his videos on YouTube and he often mentions substituting veggies to use what you have available. That's one of the things I like about the recipes. I hope you enjoy them anyway.

    Is that BBC iPlayer for the Star Trek series?

    1. No, it's Netflix. I th8ink it has most of the series available - the older ones anyway. OS, Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager.
      I must look him up on You Tube too, thanks.

  5. We love watching Star Trek in this family too. Hope you managed to stay warm and snuggly. Take care x

    1. I've always been a Star Trek fan, right from the original series. There's nothing quite like them.
