Thursday 14 January 2021


 Hi, everyone.  After a very damp yesterday, it looks as if it has rained all night and it's still raining this morning.  My dressing gown has a hood (and I lie in bed and . . . sorry, wrong place) and I usually never use it but I pulled it up to go out to the shed for today's food fifteen minutes ago.  Today's Beeb forecast looks horrible.  Rain, rain, rain, turning to sleet, sleet, sleet all day as the temperature drops.  I am SO glad I don't have to go out for anything.

Personal training yesterday was cancelled and Lindsey has rescheduled it for today.  That's one thing to look forward to.  

The chat with Val was great.  We nattered on for almost an hour about this, that and the other before agreeing to meet again next Wednesday.  I have a chat with Chris this morning at ten and am looking forward to it very much.

The corner of the kitchen is now clutter free.  I have a stack of books to take upstairs and another stack of paper to go through and, hopefully, put mostly in the recycling bag for collection tomorrow.  I think today's main task will be to sort out all the books in the spare room and generally get them all organised in there.  Then the books in the yellow room too, but that's a task for next week as it will take a fair while and won't be nearly so satisfying as there's still an awful lot of Beth's stuff there..

The other thing for today is my SW meeting at five thirty on Zoom.  I'm looking forward to that very much as Jen says she will restart what they call 'image therapy' and I always rather enjoy that - hearing how others have done and what new things/good recipes/helpful ideas they have.  I think it will be good.

So there's my three things for the day - chat with Chris, personal training and SW.  Between times I aim to sort out the guest room books and that pile of paper, mostly printouts, get on with my hexagons and read.  A useful sort of day.

Nearly forgot - the foil dishes arrived and they are a perfect size.  I ordered two different types - a single portion size and a small portion size - with fingers crossed that they were OK and they are.  I don't have time to start the cooking today but tomorrow or Saturday is fine.  Beth's coming for lunch on Sunday and she can take them back with her afterwards.

Stay safe and positive, everyone.  xx


  1. Talking of foil dishes I did something similar when James was living in London I had a big batch cook and filled his freezer for him.

    1. Beth is very happy I'm doing it which is nice.

  2. I think the weather here is similar to yours today. It's gloomy and wet. Typical January weather in these parts. X

    1. It is really. Just to be expected, I suppose. :-)

  3. I use those foil dishes for some of the bulk cooking. They're very handy for those times I forget to defrost or change my mind about what I want to eat and, of course, they can be reused.

    1. I think I will be making great use of them for me as well as for Beth. :-)

  4. Have a great day, Joy. Sorry the weather is miserable. Luckily, we have sunshine today. It does help lift my spirits.

    1. It makes a huge difference, doesn't it? No sun here yesterday and the lights stayed on all day but no snow! :-)

  5. It is amazing how we can spend an hour on the phone to someone when we havn’t done anything or been anywhere!!Miserable day here today too.

    1. < grin > Indeed it is. I do like my Zoom/Messenger chats. They really help.

  6. You sound very busy and happy. That's great that you have such an active social life.

    1. Thank you. It makes a big difference. :-)
