Tuesday 13 October 2020


 Good morning, everyone.  It's gloomy and damp right now but seems to be dry which is nice after the rain that arrived just as I set out for tuition yesterday!  I don't intend to go out but it would be lovely to have some nice weather for my trips between house, shed and garage.

Yesterday went well (apart from a food blip which I have whinged on about on the other blog).  I have pretty much got all the washing and ironing done with just a few things airing on the rack because they were a little damp when I ironed them.  That's a relief.  Most of the other bits and bobs are now sorted and away too.  It still doesn't look tidy but half an hour's work will see that sorted.

Sharon, hairdresser, came yesterday to give me the cut and dry that had to be cancelled from just before my holiday because she did her back in.  I hadn't realised but yesterday was actually the start of her holiday and she had no other appointments but she slotted me in because it was the earliest I could have her.  Wasn't that nice.  I'm very relieved because it really was getting shaggy - still manageable but it wouldn't be long before it would start driving me crazy!  That's done for another six weeks now and we also fixed a date just before Christmas so phew!  Fingers crossed they will come off; there's no certainty at the moment, is there?

The other thing was tuition and that was great fun.  I found an 'Algebra Alphabet' thing that involved a few basic algebraic conventions (such as the difference between 2A and A squared plus the BODMAS principle but in a fun way and a way that required a systematic approach.  I'm going to use it for another student too - it was really good.

Today is a biggie for me and I'm nervous.  It's dental implant surgery day!  Eeeeek.  I won't be walking out with a big new smile, it's the day he puts the implant bases (whatever they are called) into the bone.  What then happens (I hope) is that the bone grows around the implants and when that's all nice and secure, the bits that show are sort of screwed on.  
I expect that it will all be pretty uncomfortable for a few days but no gain without pain - or whatever.  I'm glad the treatment is moving on as I'm fed up with the dental plate and can't wait to have 'proper' teeth again.

I've cancelled tuition today, of course, and am taking it easy this morning, just doing indoors things and sorting out stuff.

So that's today.  What are your plans - good, I hope.  xx


  1. All good wishes for your dental surgery. x

    1. Thanks. I don't think many of us like dentist visits, do we? :-)

  2. Good luck today! I hope it all goes smoothly and there painlessly

    1. Thanks, Chrissie. I hope you're right.

  3. Good luck today Joy. It's not a pleasant thing to have done but the end results will be worth it. xx

  4. Yuck, i'm shuddering just thinking about it. Hope it's all gone well xx

    1. I think so. It's a bit hard to tell and where the numbness is going it's aching quite a lot. He gave me some paracetamol plus the other stuff I have to take - penicillin and something else and I've already takes single dose steroids to prevent swelling. Ho hum.

  5. I feel quite ill at the thought. Hope it all went well.

    1. It did, thanks. I'm loaded up with pain killers and will remain so overnight, simply because I'm a coward!!! Actually, as of right now, the numbness has gone and it does feel OK.

  6. I do hope your dental procedure went well, I am an absolute wimp when it comes to the dentist I admire your courage. I would really like details of the 'Algebra Alphabet' as I am a teaching assistant with a special interest in maths and I often have to try and explain various aspects of algebra.

    1. I got it from the Twinkl site - maybe your school has access to it? I reckon Twinkl is well worth the subscription I pay for it.
      It did go well, thanks very much, although my relaxation techniques were given a good airing! :-)

    2. Good wishes for the dental work - my husband had it, and we used a lot of ice packs during the night to help deal with the pain. Jean

    3. Thank you, Jean. It's not been as bad as your husband's experience but I haven't slept well, more for 'stress' reasons than for discomfort. I hope he is OK now.

  7. I hope that your dental surgery goes well.

    God bless.

    1. As far as I can tell, it went very well, thanks. I go back next week to have the stitches out and by then it will be obvious - I'm sure it will be fine.

  8. I hope your procedure has gone well. Make sure to rest up now. X

    1. It went well, thanks, and I'm having a lovely, gentle day today.
