Monday 5 October 2020


 Good morning, everyone.   After another horribly wet day yesterday, it seems to have cleared up a bit overnight so my fingers are crossed for today.  I woke feeling very cold so I grabbed a cellular blanket from Dad's airing cupboard, turned on the electric blanket and put on my dressing gown that I keep here and now I'm as snug as a bug in a rug.  

In a little while I need to get the bedding off this bed and into the washing machine pronto.  It needs doing but Dad's lovely cleaner is here this morning and will need the washing machine so I'm getting mine done beforehand.  I suppose I could leave it for Gail to do but that doesn't seem right.  She works really hard to keep Dad's home looking nice for him and always gives over and above so it wouldn't be fair really.

Yesterday was another gentle day.  I didn't do much apart from the meal prepping and a bit of other stuff for Dad.  He's a grand old chap, manages extremely well by himself with the various people who help out and I am always glad to do my little bit as well.  He'll be 92 next month - that's a great age to achieve.

I'm not in a hurry to leave this morning.  Usually I get going just after nine so I'm well home by ten thirty but, of course, I'm going on up the A1 today.  I can't get to Thoresby Hall until three at the earliest and, as Dad reckons it takes around two and a half hours from here, I will have an early light lunch and leave at twelve thirty.

I'll let you know what I find the other end!!  xx


  1. Have a wonderful time, Joy. I'm looking forward to seeing the place through your eyes and enjoying it along with you! Xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. I can't wait to get there.

  2. Have a lovely time and I hope the drive is kind to you.

    1. Thanks, Diane. Generally, the A1 is a reasonable road and I can take it at my own speed.

  3. 92 years old Joy...that's marvellous!! Born in 1928..... fascinating what he must be able to tell you. I gather he is in good health...may it stay that way. Stay safe Amanda x

    1. For his age he is in very good health. Long may it continue!

  4. Safe journey Joy, and hope the weather is kind to you during the week xx

    1. Thanks. A very easy journey and I'm in and settled.

  5. It must be reassuring knowing your dad is so well looked after when you are not there. Have a safe journey home. X

    1. It is, thanks, Jules, it's peace of mind. He has some fantastic neighbours as well.
