Sunday 24 November 2019


Good morning.  Apologies for the lateness but I overslept and then got started on other stuff.  It's a gloomy old day, not cold, now warm.  A nothing sort of day really.  I thin k I prefer those crisp and frosty mornings, even if the heating does have to work a bit harder to keep me in the warmth to which I have become accustomed now that Matt has sorted out my radiators.

I got my trip into the town and had a really good old wander around, looking here, there and everywhere for those perishing dried cherries.

I went into Holland and Barrett but no luck there.  All sorts of dried fruits including some I'd hardly heard of but no cherries.  I decided to take a detour through the Riverside Centre because I haven't been there for ages and, lo and behold, we do indeed have a Grape Tree shop.  A lovely place with all sorts of things, including some not-so-sweetened cranberries (which I got) but no cherries.  I asked and she looked a bit blank.  Surely I can't be the only one?
(I bought some dried pineapple, thinking it would be a nice substitute, if necessary).

I tried M&S although I was sure they wouldn't have any - and they didn't.  They did have some Christmas loo paper though so guess what!

Along the way, I picked up all sorts of other bits and bobs.  A nice ribbon for the cake, some white baubles for the bedroom tree (there's spoiling for you), some white acrylic paint for the clay decorations, some poly bags in Lakeland, oh - all sorts of bits.

To get to my preferred bus stop, I have to go through the market.  I stopped off at the haberdashery stall for some lace and then was just turning into the pathway to the bus stop when I remembered that there's quite a good little wholefood stall.  Herbs, spices, pulses, fruit, grains - really, all sorts of stuff, loose so you can get the amount you need (within reason).  How could I have forgotten?

So I went there and, finally - YESSSS - he had sour dried cherries, just what the recipe had ordered.  It was lovely and old fashioned, 100g (not that old fashioned) scooped out into a paper bag can carried home triumphantly.
Those biscotti had better be the best ever.

In the afternoon, I got on with knitting the Dickensian mouse I had started (as part of a rather late order) and this morning I got her finished.  A cook, holding a Christmas pudding on a plate.  I think she's really cute; what do you think?

Onto the next one now which will be the main focus of my day!  Tomorrow's tuition is all planned and ready so I can concentrate on crafty things.  Should be a really nice day.  I hope yours is too! xx


  1. Oh she's just lovely, Joy! I do admire people who have the patience to do such little fiddly things - I wouldn't have. So glad you got the dried cherries. I like Grape Tree, I get a lot of things odd that they didn't have the cherries, though. xx

    1. It's a nice place, isn't it. I enjoyed looking around. I love places like that and may very well do back to stock up with good things before Christmas. I only just avouded some very delicious roasted cashew nuts - which I love!
      I'm really pleased with how the mouse has come out and hope the customer is too. These things are never perfect and, as you say, can be incredibly fiddly, but I do like the results.

  2. Hi Joy,
    I bought these some time ago and they were rather nice I seem to recall:

    1. Thank you very much. I really looked hard when I was there on Friday but couldn't see any. It's very odd. I've got some now so that's good - they weren't essential, I suppose, but I'm glad I can stick to the recipe.

  3. The little mouse holding the Christmas pudding is delightful. I admire your patience because I can see how fiddly it must be.

    I hope you enjoy your lazy day xx

    1. Thanks, Eileen. I'm now onto the mince pie seller mouse. Very cute.
      It's been a good day, thanks. How has yours gone?

    2. I'm feeling completely relaxed thanks Joy. It's been a lovely, restful day.

  4. I love your little mouse! I picked up a set of hand knitted nativity people in Oxfam recently whilst on a break in Whitby. Someone went to a lot of trouble with them all - Mary/Joseph/ baby Jesus/3 wise men/ 2 shepherds for not a lot of money. After seeing your mouse, I'm regretting not picking up the Dickensian mouse carol singer complete with lantern that was also for sale! !

    1. It sounds as if they are the Jean Greenhowe figures. I've knitted a number of sets and they are lovely. You got a real bargain there, I am sure.
      The lantern holder is really cute. :-)

  5. I didn't know dried cherries were a thing - it's the sour word that's off putting. Love the mouse

    1. I know what you mean but really they aren't sour at all, just not sickly sweet. Theyt're delicious!

  6. The mouse is lovely! I'm sure the biscotti will be well worth all the effort

    1. I hope so because they are for pressies! I will use any leftover drioed fruit to make some muffins, I think. They'll go down well.

  7. Mrs. Cookmouse is adorable but oh my, how fiddly! Don't think I could or would! Glad you managed to find the dried cherries!

  8. The little mouse is so lovely. X
