Wednesday 27 November 2019


Good morning.  I've just been out to the freezer and it's raining yet again.  I know we needed rain but I hate to think of the problems it is causing in other parts of the country.

Yesterday was a very quiet day.  I didn't get out to put in my prescription so must do that today.  However, I did tidy my pottery bag which had got itself into a mess and then I got out the air drying clay and had a play.  This is what I ended up with.

They're now sitting on a covered chopping board to dry before I paint and varnish them and, hopefully, put them on my bedroom Christmas tree.

It was a different clay to handle, not as easy as white clay in some ways but easier in others and it will be interesting to see the differences in the end products.

I finished off the mince pie seller mouse and very cute she is too.  I'll take some photos and post them another time.

In the evening I decided I ought to deal with the ready made (and rolled) sweet pastry I bought but didn't actually want to make the mince pies themselves as they would be far too available to eat so I had a brainwave.  I cut out the bases and the tops, carefully layered them on an oven tray with easyleave between and now they are in the freezer.  So I can take out however many bases and tops as I need, give them fifteen minutes or so to thaw, make the mince pies and bake them.
I hope it's a brainwave, anyway.  Fingers crossed

Has anyone been watching the Kirsty Whatshername Home Made Christmas programmes.  I think they're repeats but they appeal to me and I've set the box to record them.

Today, being Wednesday, is personal training day.  I missed last week so today will be a bit heavy but not to worry.  Apart from that, it's another not-a-lot day so I will blitz the housework and do some ironing before I sit down with the knitting.  Also, I need to make sure the things I want to take to Bury St Edmunds are washed and ironed and ready to pack.

Perhaps it's not such a nothing day after all.  xx


  1. The tree decorations are fab, although my greedy face thought they were biscuits at first! They will look lovely on your tree.
    I'm enjoying the Kirsty Christmas programmes too. Not all the crafts appeal to me but her enthusiasm is infectious. X

    1. They really do look like biscuits, don't they. I wouldn't recommend trying to eat them though! ;-)

    2. And I totally agree about the enthusiasm - it's infectious.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. It'll be interesting to see how they turn out post painting/varnishing. I really hope they will be nice enough to hang on the tree.

  3. Brilliant idea for cutting out the pastry and freezing it, Joy. I've already made and frozen my mince pies and sausage rolls....they're in the bottom drawer of the freezer that I don't normally go in, so out of sight, out of mind! (I hope). xx

    1. I'm saving the sausage rolls (not-sausage rolls really) for December. One of my Advent things to do! Not long to go nbow before I can light my candle for the first time.

  4. Pouring with rain here this a.m., but should be colder and brighter for your Bury trip.
    Have a good day

    1. It rained here, then we had sunshine and now it's raining again. Very mixed. I like the sound of cold and sunny!

  5. Love the biscuit tree ornaments, they'd be perfect for a Christmas craft sale!

    1. Maybe next year . . . ;-) and thanks for the kind words.

  6. Hi Joy - I am having a big catch up this time with everyone - I have missed a heap of days. Just commenting to say your sale of Beth's work was so lovely...and those biscuits you made so tempting.
    I made some Advent cards last year to do a different Christmas something each day and I loved it so may do it again this year.
    Sorry to hear about your tooth you have all my sympathy - I was 'butchered' at a very young age by the school dentist and it set my dislike of dentists for life! I go regularly (every 6 months)out of the fear of ever having bad teeth, if I keep them in good check I don't have to worry about treatment! So far it has worked for me. Good luck with the implant - my 93 year old mum had one and it was fine.
    PS I love Kirsty - some of those crafters have such skill and patience.

    1. I need to catch up too.
      Thanks for all the kind words and the sympathy. I really should have grown up, shouldn't I?

  7. It's pouring down here too and the other end of the village is flooded so the road to the next village is closed off ... a regular occurrence.

    Your new tree decs are lovely so hope they work out for you. What colour ribbon/string will use be using to hang them?

    I'm looking forward to starting my homemade Advent calendar too.

    1. I have some green wire hangers, a bit like a sort of paper clip. They're almost invisible.
      I hope things clear up for you soon.
