Thursday 14 November 2019


Good morning, all.  After a gorgeously sunny day yesterday, it's been raining this morning although it's clearing now and looks more promising than the forecast would indicate.

Yesterday was a funny old day.  I forced myself down to the dentist after the milk run was over and got myself an appointment.  It's not until next Thursday afternoon as it's a busy practice (which is reassuring) and it's not an emergency.  I'm not in pain or anything, thankfully, just getting a twinge now and again.  I've got the bridge that fell off but it's very old, well over twenty five years old, and I think bits have broken so it's not as simple as just sticking it back in.  And there's the other three teeth to deal with as well so I really am going to have to woman-up and face the music.  Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!

Thanks for all your comments.  It helps to know I'm not the only one with an absolute dread of all things dental.

By the time I got home, I was in a bit of a wobble but things had to be done before I went off to training with Lindsey, so I had no time for a 'poor old me' session, thankfully.
After PT, Beth was round and we had a prep session for the Kitty Stitches Open House on Sunday.  She made cards and I made biscotti!
We also made an almighty mess!

If you're interested in coming, do get in touch via comments and I can give you the details.

Then it was off to Governors' Meeting.  It was a good one this time, interesting enough that I didn't need to fight to stay awake.

However, I don't think it's just the dental tension, I'm feeling a bit achey and around 90% so I'm taking it easy today.  I've cancelled the Aqua class I was booked into and I'm just going to potter around until tuition when I ought to be feeling a lot better again.
I do hope so because I'm not missing pottery again!

Have a good day, everyone.  xx


  1. I love the cards, I also love biscotti! Hope it's nothing more than a 24-hour bug and you're soon feeling better, Joy. Well done on making the dentist appointment. xx

    1. Thank you, Sooze. I'll be fine for Sunday, that's the most important thing.

  2. I like the button wreath cards. Hope you are OK for pottery

    1. I was, thanks. It was wnjoyable and I'm glad I went.

  3. Love the cards but sadly I dont send card anymore I make a donation with the money instead.

    1. Good for you! A lot of people do something similar nowadays. I do a mixture and generally use home or hand made cards for a few special people.
