Tuesday 26 November 2019


Good morning.  Guess what - it's dull and damp and not cold, just like yesterday and the day before and . . .
I hear rumours that there's cold weather a-coming.  I'll believe that when I see it though!

Yesterday, everything worked out really well.
I picked up my prescription after having a blood test at the hospital, arranged for a blood pressure check and had a work with the receptionist about preferred method of contact.  They keep trying to phone me and I have told them on more than one occasion that I don't answer the phone (hearing issues).  They've got it nice and clear on my records but . . .  Anyway, she was very nice and is taking some action.  We will see if it improves matters.

Then it was home for breakfast, shortly after which I set off for the bus to go to Riverside for the organised walk.  It was damp and drizzly but, all the same, so nice to get out again after a week indoors feeling not great.

Then it was school.  I do my usual thing of marking their 'homework' and getting the new sheets into their files.  This year the teacher has changed the system and now it's a whole load easier to do which is nice (for me).

Then it was on to tuition.  The planning was all done last week so it was a question of turning up and delivering, which went fine.

And that was more or less it.  I helped Beth with some bunting she is making for a customer and did some knitting.  I'm half way through the mince pie seller.  This photo isn't mine, it's cropped from the pattern cover but, apart from some colour differences, mine should look more or less the same.

Sewing those tiny little pies to the tray was just about the fiddliest thing I have ever done!

Today is much easier.  There's nothing planned until tuition but plenty to do.  Housework, for a start.  Then knitting and I want to make the time to get out some of my air dry clay and get on with some ornaments for my bedroom tree.  If they look nice, I'll take a photo!

Have a lovely day, whatever you have planned.  xx


  1. I was thinking that with all those little mice you are knitting it's a good thing you haven't got a cat!

    1. This made me chuckle. Never thought of that but yes.
      One of Beth's cats loved clawing and chewing anything knitted. He ruined some of her clothes before she realised.

  2. We often get phone calls from the GP or the hospital on our mobiles....despite having told them repeatedly that our mobile signal here is very patchy and asking for them to only use the landline. Annoying, isn't it?

    As I said before, you have the patience of a saint knitting those little figures. xx

    1. It is annoying and - well, you know, disability issue and surely a medical group should have more awareness.
      Could you remove your mobile number from their data base? Then they couldn't.

    2. Or withdraw your permission for them to use it?
