Tuesday 9 November 2021


 Morning, everyone.  Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful autumnal day with bags of sunshine and not too cold either.  It's a little less certain today; there's some ominous looking clouds on the horizon but they may not come to anything.

Pretty much everything turned out well yesterday.  It was good fun at circuit training and we had a lot of laughs during tuition.  My student was on top form and is really taking on board the early algebra principles we have been working on.  Yesterday we worked through some multi-step mathematical problems, first as separate calculations and then putting it all together to create an algebraic equation.  They're really getting it which is highly satisfying.

There was one slightly worrying thing.  I got two emails telling me that regular payments on my card had failed this month.  Obviously, I was suspicious but followed it through in the approved way and got it sorted.  It was genuine and there was an understandable reason.  Phew.

Today, the diary is totally empty.  However, my day certainly won't be.

First of all, I'm doing a bit more Christmas window shopping - B&Q (which I have to go to anyway) and the garden centre that used to be Wyvale and which name I can never remember now - er - Longacres, that's the name!
Wyvale used to have very upmarket Christmas products and gifty sort of things so I'm quite looking forward to seeing what's there.

I know I'm doing this a lot at the moment - window shopping, I mean.
What I was working, I used to blitz it all over half term.  It was a family joke that I had Christmas all wrapped up and gift-tagged by November 1st.  I had to - sometimes term didn't end until a few days before and there was no time for anything but food prep, etc.
Nowadays, I have all the time I want and the process is much more drawn out.  I've been making notes of where likely looking little gifts are, getting bits and pieces as I go and generally having a thoroughly enjoyable time.
How do you prepare for the Festive Season (if at all)?

I have just changed my weekly shopping day from Thursday to Wednesday because it works better, but after I've finished in Longacres, I will go just a bit further down the road to Sainsbury's and get it done today.  I may as well seeing as I'm in that part of town anyway.

Then I have a fairly long list of Things To Do so I will work my way through it for the rest of the day.  I should be able to get plenty done one way and another.

I should sleep well tonight!

Have a great day, whatever your plans, stay warm and well and be happy.  xx


  1. I hope you get everything on your to do list done today. I love my daily to do list as it keeps me busy and doing things. I hope you have a great Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, Belinda. The sun is now shining and I can feel the energy flowing. Such a nice feeling. You have a great day too. xx

  2. How do I prepare for the festive season ... now that got me thinking!!

    I buy myself and Alan an Advent calendar, buy myself the new Jacquie Lawson digital calendar ready for December. I check I have enough in my current account to be able to send my sons, and the grand kids and great-grand kids money (to the parents ahead of the day) so they can buy something that they actually want ... although for the past couple of years this has seen them asking for the actual money so they can buy more in the sales immediately after Christmas, gosh that's a sign they are all grown up isn't it! I spend November and the first half of December ordering or looking out for novelties for Alan's Christmas stocking, and this year the dogs have a Christmas sack each too.

    Then I eat all the boring food from the freezer so that I can put in some new Christmas vegan goodies to try ... not all of them last as far as Christmas and the tastiest have to be re-purchased. Not your average Christmas I realise but it suits us.

    1. Everyone has their own way that is special to them. Yours sounds lovely; eating all the boring food has made me smile. I pretty much always give Alex money nowadays too.
      The Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendar is always delightful, isn't it?

  3. I haven't started thinking about the food side of Christmas yet except that I know I want to really cut back on the goodies this year and seek the pleasure from visiting loved ones and by arranging a couple of special events for myself.

    I hope you manage to complete your list. xx

    1. That sounds absolutely lovely.
      No, I won't but I'm working through it slowly and steadily. As always, things are taking longer than I would like. :-)

  4. I have stopped giving gifts to family but contribute to my favourite charity in their name. They choose an item and each gets a card saying what has been purchased. The grandkids get so much at Christmas (now it's mostly cash) that I don't think they miss an actual gift from me!

    1. There's really not many of us in the family that exchange gifts and I do like the idea of donating to charity. I'm sure your family is glad that good causes benefit.

  5. Glad you followed the recommended way to check on the emails and got that sorted out.

    Hope your list is completed.

    God bless.

    1. I have to admit my fist reaction was 'PANIC' but after checking my bank balance in case it was in a parlous state (it wasn't) common Sense took over.
      I hate it when things like that happen; I like my finances to be in good order with no hiccups.

  6. It's always good to check those things out but like you say through the normal channels and not clicking on any links or such. I think sometimes they expect you to panic and click and get caught out. Good that you kept your head and gave it a little thought.

    I hope you had fun window shopping. Not much in the festive mood, but I know things have to go on so I shall try.

    1. Well, the initial reaction was to move some money into my main account which was silly, had my account been compromised. However, it hadn't, and the rest was the right thing to do.
      I never click on links like that anyway but I bet lots do.
