Friday 5 November 2021


 Good morning.  My goodness, it felt so cold yesterday.  It wasn't helped by quite a strong wind blowing and quite a lot of drizzle.  The wind has vanished now so the frost has returned and it might be quite a nice, sunny day.  We will see!

Yesterday worked out really well.  Chris and I had a lovely old chat, catching up on everything.  
Val and I both felt it was too cold and too damp to brave Cressing Temple so she came over to me with her crocheting and the two of us managed to fill three hours very happily indeed.  During Lockdown, we Zoomed once a week but we've reduced that to once a month now which is what we did before Lockdown, so there's always plenty to say and lots to hear.  It was all so lovely.
 We have agreed that next month will be a festive one and we will share the lunch load, Val doing one and me doing the other course.  That will be nice.

Then I sorted out some washing and made a list of all the Christmas related stuff to do in the house, ranging from 'Christmas Tree Day with Beth and Alex' to 'change bedding' and 'cushions out'.  I felt all sort of Advent-ish and cheery.

I also started thinking about my advent music.  Regular readers will know that through December, I post a link to a favourite piece of Advent music, usually from YouTube.  Favourites remain favourites, so there will be plenty of repeats, but I need to start making a list!!

Today starts with Slimming World, goes on through a visit to B&M, Hobbycraft and TKMaxx (then I think I have 'done' them all) and finishes with personal training with Lindsey while the cleaners work their weekly magic.  It's downstairs this week and it's all fairly tidy after yesterday so there's not much clutter-clearing to do.

The knitting is progressing so well.  It's chunky, of course, so grows speedily, and now we have the longer dark evening, I get loads done after dinner each evening.  There's just a little bit more sleeve and then it's the sewing up.  Fingers crossed that it all works OK.

Well, better stop rambling.  Time is passing and I need to be at SW by around 8:40-ish - there's plenty of time but there won't be if I keep waffling in here.
Have a lovely day, everyone, and stay nice and warm.  Are you making any early Christmas arrangements or plans?


  1. I've arranged a couple of Christmas meals with friends for early-ish in December and of course have my Twelve Days of Christmas goodies ready, but that's about it so far.

    It was cold here yesterday and looking out of the window this morning, it is very misty so not sure what the day will bring. Fingers crossed for you weigh in later this morning and hope you enjoy your trail around the shops xx

    1. Marry Christmas meals with friends sounds really lovely. The one with Val is now fixed and I must ask Chris if she likes the idea. xx

  2. You have a busy day ahead of you. I need to do some knitting again. I’ve one unfinished item and 101 potential projects

    1. :-) Know the feeling - and it's the last day of your half term too - can't count the weekend really. Have a lovely day. xx

  3. I don't live close to any shopping areas so am fairly dependent on online purchasing. Ordered some of the grandchildren gifts in early October, before I came over to the UK. Ordered the rest yesterday. Good thing, too, as delivery dates are now already several weeks away. Had I waited another week or so, I'm not sure things would arrive in time for Christmas. :(

    1. You got it done just in time, didn't you. Well done!

  4. I have been wondering if your Slimming World is like our Weight Watchers across the pond?

    How wonderful to be feeling Adventish. Right now I am just feeling a bit overwhelmed.

    God bless.

    1. Similar, I think, yes. We have WW here too.

      I hope you start feeling more underwhelmed again soon. xx

  5. Your days always sound so busy.I am thinking if I sat down and wrote out a list my days would be busy too LOL! In fact I rather think we get a lot done in a day. Multitasking Wonders! Adorable cake decorations they remind me of a few like that my Mum used to put on her Christmas cake too. I have to admit I like traditional looking Christmas cakes which I suppose is because they remind me of my Mum. She even used to post a slice of cake to us here and a mini Christmas pud for Sr P. Have a good day :-). Amanda x

    1. I think you're right, it's not until we actually start itemising our life, so to speak, that we realise quite how much we pack into a day.

  6. OH! dear this comment was meant to be on your Christmas decorations post... sigh A x
