Saturday, 20 November 2021

Saturday, 20-11-21

 Morning, everyone.  How quickly the time is flying past; we're now in the last third of November and the shortest day is pretty much only a month away.  
Yesterday marked a bit of a change in the weather.  It was mostly rather dull and dreary although we did get a bit of sun occasionally,   The curtains were drawn early though - it's much cosier when they are shut.

It was so nice to get a first comment from a regular reader - thank you, Jeangenie.  I know I have a fair number of silent readers - which is lovely - and it's really encouraging to get a comment from one of you.

Yesterday was a quiet and gentle day.  The SW meeting was good, as usual, and afterwards I popped into Morrisons for a few items I forgot to get or couldn't find on Wednesday.
Then the cleaners came earlier than usual and worked their usual magic.
I spent the rest of the day pottering, knitting, reading and thinking loving thoughts.

Today I must just go over the Christmas pud recipe and make sure I really do have everything I need.  I also want to rearrange a few things in the freezer.  As readers of my other blog will know, I've been using up some of the considerable contents of my freezers and now I think I can get all the Christmas stuff on one shelf which would be good.
I think I might be able to finish the jacket I am currently knitting after which I have a few ideas for Christmas pressie knitting!  Also, I must see if the yarn I need for Beth's gift is now in the online places I use.  I've warned her that she might have to wait until after Christmas to get it but fingers crossed anyway.
Also, it's about time I looked at the little gifts I have and make sure I haven't missed anyone out.  Easier said than done.

Should be another pleasant day.  I do hope yours is too.  Stay safe, warm and positive.  xx


  1. I really ought to give more thought to Christmas Presents - apart from the hamper things I've not done much at all!
    Have a good weekend

    1. Time's going by so quickly I though that if I don't think more specifically about this, I will be caught short! :-)

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss this week.

    I'm on the hunt for Christmas recipes as well, savoury rather than sweet, but there don't seem to be that many savoury ones or I'm just looking in the wrong places! The ones I have found are all filled pastry nibbles which I'm not sure I fancy.

    The year really is marching on, isn't it ... soon be 2022!

    1. Where have you looked?
      And thanks very much. I was pleased.

    2. Just internet searches for various combinations of the words 'Christmas savoury recipes'

    3. Perhaps try recipes for specific ingredients - turkey, chestnuts, cranberry sauce, etc?
      I adopted quite a wide ranging 'brief' when searching.

  3. Time does seem to be flying right by. I find it so hard to believe that we are going to be entering December so soon.

    God bless.

  4. Your knitting sounds wonderful. I need to get back into it.

  5. Hope you share some of your knitting with us!
    I am not liking the darker, colder, greyer days. I find myself drawing the curtains early and turning on the lights just to brighten up the room a bit and feel a little more cosy.

    1. Me too - it was three thirty yesterday - a very drab and drear day.

  6. Am insomniac reading! It’s 02.25 and I’m almost caught up - resting and reading is as good as sleep is it not?! Anyway backwards reading to here so far and I’m desperate to know what it is you are knitting! Also I saw a knitted camel today AND THOUGHT OF YOU!!! Because you knitted the Nativity a few years ago didn’t you?!

    1. Not saying about the knitting because recipients might be reading! Yet.

      Yes, I knitted several nativities and I have the one I knitted for my lovely Mum now so that is going out for Christmas. It means I will have two nativities but I don't care. :-) How nice to remember, thank you.
