Thursday 7 October 2021


 Morning.  Sorry this is so very late.  For one, I slept later and then had to rush around to get dressed and get out for my early morning shop.  I managed to get some social media stuff done but not this one.  

I looked online and found the quilt I wanted.  It's is now winging its way here although it won't arrive until next week sometime.  With any luck, one it's on, I won't have to turn on the electric blanket after the inevitable journey down to the loo and back in the middle of the night.
I was prepared to go into town to go to the shop but I'm glad I didn't have to.

I met up with Lewis and he did a lot of measuring up while I contemplated the autumnal mess and made tentative plans for a good old tidy up.  Next week, weather permitting, maybe.  

After personal training (as good as usual which is very), I went on a bit further to Sainsburys because I want to try to make my own sushi and I needed various speciality bits and pieces.  Last week, I noticed the Sainsbury's had a whole area devoted to sushi stuff so I went there.  I'm sure we have good ethnic shops in town but I don't know where.
It will be a few days before I have a go - probably next Monday or Tuesday.
However - I need a few Brownie points because I went straight from Lindsey's, still in my exercise wear (with a nice long jumper to hide the lumps and bumps) which was very brave of me, I think.

Today it's the usual early morning shop (done) and then a good old natter with Chris (also done but not in the garden).

Then I have a whole list of 'little' things to do.
Washing (I changed the bedding)
Tidy my bedroom (it's not bad but it will be if I don't sort a few things out)
Make and open freeze the pigs in blankets for Christmas - and yes, I do them around this time normally and even thought we're not having turkey on Christmas day, we are still having pigs because what's Christmas without pigs in blankets, eh?
Sort out the fridge - again!
Nothing majorly big, difficult or time consuming but it all needs doing so I'd better get started, don't you think.  It is midday, almost, after all.
Have a great day, everyone.  xx


  1. So you've been "panic buying" the things for Pigs in blankets too!!

    1. < grin > You reminded me and M&S had bacon and sausages on special so yup! All done and in the freezer now so they're crossed off the list of Christmas Things To Do. :-)

  2. I used to make sushi but it's so time consuming that I decided to just buy it. I love sushi! Are pigs in blankets similar to sausage rolls? That's not a traditional Christmas item here.

    1. Pigs in blankets are sausages wrapped in (usually streaky) bacon and roasted. Sometimes people add a sage leaf between the sausage and the bacon. They're lovely!!
      I'll find a photo and post it in the next blog.

  3. Oh pigs in blanket one of my favourites too

    1. It's just not Christmas without pigs in blankets, is it?
