Thursday 21 October 2021


It's very mild at the moment round here.  After teeming rain in the morning yesterday, out came the sun and dried up all the rain so I am sure Incey Wincey got climbing again.  In the afternoon I opened the French windows which was very pleasant.

Personal training was great.  Now that the calf/ankle problem is minimal, I really feel 'worked out' each week and the circuits session on Monday keeps the feeling going.  There's a big difference between  just doing your own thing and having someone there to encourage and keep you going.  There is for me, I mean.  Probably others are a lot more motivated!

I sorted out another bit of my freezer and now have another section to add to my list!  Shopping is going to be much cheaper for a while - no complaints here.

Yesterday was a nice, quiet day and today looks like being the same.  I'm not sure whether I will do my shop early morning or leave it for a while - I think I will just see what that particular precinct is like late morning.  I'd like to take a look round Dunelm and that's always closed when I usually go.

I have the usual weekly coffee and chat with Chris at ten.  I'm looking forward to hearing her news.  Then I'm off for the shop.  This afternoon, the cleaners are coming instead of tomorrow, just as a one off.  That works well for me so I am happy to go along with it.  It will be back to Friday again next week and I must thing about contacting Gabriela (in their office) about Christmas arrangements.  I usually treat myself to an extra clean over Christmas but have to get in early as there are limited extra times available.
So stuff is happening but it's all nice and gentle.  

Have a great day and be happy.  xx


  1. Thoughts of christmas have been crossing my mind but I think it will be very low key for us this year.

    1. Like last year, in fact. Ours will be a bit different as, hopefully, Dave and Anna can come over as well as Beth and Alex and, of course, no Dad. He wouldn't have come but we could have had a family chat.
      Apart from that and a few new ornaments on the Christmas tree - no real changes here either.

  2. So the blogs I love are yours, Sooze, Sue from Suffix and Weaver…those four are fantastic…a wordy woman in Ireland…she and I email as we have the same last name…

  3. I think we had the rain instead! It chucked it down for most of yesterday evening and it seems there is some flooding in Wiltshire as a result, thankfully nothing too serious or too close to home.

    I'm expecting a repeat of last year, spending Christmas alone but with Zoom sessions to see everyone. The numbers in this area are rising at an alarming rate and although the govt is denying it, I don't think it'll be too long before they have to enforce stricter rules again. xx

    1. Sorry, this sounds rather depressing and I didn't mean it to 😊

    2. Not depressing, just realistic and I think you are absolutely right. It's just another example of their unwillingness to take prompt action in case it makes them unpopular!!

  4. It hammered down for a while yesterday but thankfully it turned out nice today after a cold start. We went for a walk on the beach this morning and I've spent an hour in the garden just tiddling about and titivating

    1. It's felt much colder here today and yes, we did get some more rain this morning followed by sunshine.

  5. Christmas will be upon us before we know it. Scary as once Halloween is done there is less than 2 months to get ready.

    God bless.

    1. It catches us out every year to some degree, doesn't it? xx

  6. It's been terrible rainy here this year. When I'm out walking there has been so much fungus in the woods as everything is moist and warm. There is supposed to be more rain this weekend

    1. It's not been a great year, what with weather and other stuff too, has it? Time to bring out the positivity, I guess.

  7. That's great that your training is going so well. I am cleaning the cottage today, too.

    1. Thank you. I bet it looks lovely now. xx
