Sunday 12 September 2021


 Good morning, everyone.  It's quite a pleasant morning; not all that warm so I have a hoodie on, but faintly sunny and cheerful.

Yesterday was, indeed, the gentle day I had planned.  I got a few bits and bobs done but nothing all that much so there's not a lot to write about really!

Today I have allotment and ironing, not necessarily in that order,.  At the allotment, I must pick some raspberries; it's been several days and they will be dropping off if I don't pick soon.  There will be more beans and, perhaps, another courgette.  All good.

Earlier on, I got the last picking of beans processed and they are now in the freezer, as is some passata I made with a bowl of tomatoes.  The blight doesn't seem to have spread (fingers crossed) so that's good and the recent sunshine is ripening more fruit.

I won't be doing anything until after breakfast so I will get my Kindle and read, I think.  How lazy and decadent is that when there's a basket of ironing glaring at me.
Have a great day, everyone, and be happy.  xx

Edited to change the title (why did I think it was Sunday) and to show I photo I've just had emailed to me.  It's a bowl that belonged to Mum and Dad that was rather the worse for wear and it's been restored by Anna's brother who is very good at that sort of thing.  Isn't it lovely?   


  1. That’s a lovely bowl x warm enough to tie one’s cardi round one’s waist here today!

    1. It warmed up here but was cooler again come the evening - a sign of the passing of the seasons. It's OK this morning but definitely a slippers and dressing gown start to the day!

  2. Indeed it is a beautiful piece.

    1. Thank you. It so reminds me of Mum and Dad which is a Very Good Thing. xx

  3. I have a bowl just like that. It's one of my treasures and I love it. Are you keeping that one for yourself?

    Hope you've had a lovely restful day xx

    1. Yes, I am, passing it on to Beth as and when. xx

  4. Gorgeous bowl! So glad it could be restored.

    1. So am I, very glad. I won't know the cost until Paul has finished the table (I'll show that when it comes back) but I know it won't be cheap. A craftsman is worthy of his hire, as we say and I have no objections to paying a decent amount for a good job.
