Wednesday 22 September 2021


 Good morning.  It is a glorious start to the day, here in the middle of good old Essex.  I've given the plants a watering, done some kitchen stuff including making some falafels with leftover chickpeas for lunch and now I am sitting at my desk with the second coffee of the day to enjoy a good bit of social mediating!  

I didn't get to the allotment yesterday - Alex stayed around for a while after the interview and by the time he went, I just couldn't be bothered (see what I mean by lazy?).  The funeral in the morning was 'good', if you know what I mean, but sad and I think I just wanted some quiet time really.

However, I did get a lot done.  I was looking for a wedding card I bought a while back and which seemed to have gone walkabout.  I started with the piles of clutter on my desk and when I had sorted that, started to file the necessary away.
As the filing cabinet is getting pretty cluttered, I got some old files out and went through them, realising that there was an awful lot of stuff from several decades ago that could just be shredded/torn up and chucked.  So I did and it was most satisfying.  I now have several free file inserts and much more space again.  Yay!

Then I tackled the ironing.  The ironing basket was full and overflowing and now it is empty - well, empty of clothes anyway.

So maybe not so lazy after all, just alternatively occupied.  :-)

This morning is a tidy up downstairs day as the lovely Sharon is coming at twelve to do my hair.  Then Alex arrived for another interview and soon after that I leave to have my personal training with the lovely Lindsey.  I do seem to have a lot of lovely ladies in my life - how lucky am I?

Well, I had better move on.  I'm not having my shower until later so as to have wet hair when Sharon arrives but there's still plenty to be done that can happily be done in pjs and dressing gown!  And I still haven't found that blessed card which is extremely annoying.

See you all tomorrow - stay safe and enjoy this lovely, sunny, first-day-of-autumn weather.  xx


  1. My mum had a habit of buying cards early and then forgetting she had them and buying another. Sometimes at Christmas we would get two cards as she had found them both at different times and then forgotten she had already sent one!! Perhaps by the time you find it you will have sorted through all your drawers and cupboards...which would be a very satisfying albeit unintentional task. I think I might try that trick and pretend I have lost a card to get my filing cabinet decluttered it is groaning at the moment and not a pleasant job!! x

    1. No, it was a right pain, I totally understand. Dry, boring old documents to make decisions over with the underlying 'fear' that one day you might need it again.
      I have chucked away all my early school contracts now though - I can't possibly need them again.

  2. You got a great deal accomplished while looking for the card. I always seem to have the same trouble when I purchase cards ahead of time.

    God bless.

    1. I did - I was pleased with that.
      I have 'wedding card' on my shopping list today. That will guarantee that the original turns up, won't it?

  3. I recently went through a cabinet full of old bank statements and got rid of four years worth.It's liberating to see empty spaced appearing.

  4. The only thing that has saved me from losing cards that I have bought ahead of time is to keep a pretty card file box where I drop them in after bringing them home. The box has separate files for each month and a few others for specific occasions (e.g. thinking of you, sympathy, get well, etc.). Or if you don't want a box just for cards, you could add another file folder to your filing cabinet and simply deposit them there. Of course, that means being good about putting them away as soon as you get home. Always the trick!

    1. I did put it away, that's the annoying thing. I just can't remember where. It's not in any of the usual places. Really weird.

  5. I do the same as Mary (above) and I have a filing box where I keep all of the new cards. I tend to buy new cards once or twice a year so I always have a good selection at home. Of course the real challenge is remembering to post them on time!

    At least you made a good start on sorting through the filing cabinet so a productive day in the end. xx

    1. It was, and I can't be sorry about that. It needed doing very much indeed.

  6. Lazy, you? Certainly not, Joy. And even if you were, well it is allowed to have a lazy day now and then! xx

    1. It's funny how bound we can get by negative things that have been said to us in the past, isn't it?

  7. you are certainly not lazy Joy. I am forever misplacing things.
