Sunday 1 November 2020


 Good morning!  Well, we all saw it coming, didn't we?  Another lockdown, starting Thursday and lasting four weeks. 

I've checked the rules and, thankfully, Beth and I can continue to 'bubble' as we are both single person households and, when Alex returns, it can continue as I am a single person household.  We are both very relieved about this.  For some reason, no-one is being told to 'shield' this time although I suppose that might change and sensible folk who are vulnerable will do so anyway, one hopes.

Ann, Dad's neighbour, has specifically assured him that they will continue to look out for him, make sure he has all he needs and be a first port of call should there be any problems.  That is a huge relief to me.  There are some very good people about.

Moving on - yesterday was a quiet day most of the time.  The chat with Chris was lovely; we had a lot to catch up on one way and another so there were no silences!!
In the afternoon, I popped out and did just a bit of Christmas shopping.
Then I saw the announcement and decided to go to Morrisons to get a few bits and bobs - a few cartons of long life milk, a few bags of frozen veg - that sort of thing.  Not panic buying, not huge amounts, just being sensible, and I'm pretty sure I can manage for a month, only needing to buy fresh stuff - fruit, veg, eggs, that sort of thing.

Today I was hoping Beth would come round for a cuppa this afternoon but now she may not be able to which is a shame.  I will spend the day quietly sorting stuff out, I have some bedding to wash, dry and iron and I didn't finish watching Strictly last night.  There's plenty to do, even though it is raining.

Take care, everyone, stay safe and well.  We will got through this.  xx


  1. I will shield again even though I haven't been told to this time. I have a Tesco delivery arranged for Saturday (booked before I knew about the lockdown) so will be okay for supplies as long as it all turns up. I've found a local farm for egg deliveries and don't use milk so I should have no need to go out at all. Let's hope the lockdown is just for a month and that this time, people do the right thing and follow the rules.

    1. It only makes sense, doesn't it? I don't need to shield but I won't be going anywhere like shops unless I really need to. I'll be seeing Beth but no-one else and my PT has moved online again. It worked really well last time.
      A shame that there will be some who don't follow the rules. It makes me feel quite cross really.

  2. We are now into our second week of lockdown but it is frustrating when you realise you need a cartridge for the printer and WHSmihs is closed and Tesco and Sainsburys have none in stock.I just went on line,ordered one at 4 pm and it came in the post the following day.That was easy but other things are not! I was looking forward to going to M&S over the border when we come out of lockdown but now they will be shut for 4 weeks(I think) .

    1. I suspect the food section will be open but not the clothes. Frustrating, I agree, but they will probably be selling online.

  3. I always have good store cupboards and can get through the month ok, though I have a booked a mid month order of bread, milk, eggs, fruit and veg. Stay safe. X

  4. I just picked up some food at the grocery store, too. It's a good feeling to be prepared. You sound ready for the next chapter.

    1. I think I am, pretty much. You too, by the sound of it. :-)

  5. I'm glad you're able to have some company. It can be awfully lonely by yourself day after day. Since this began I've stayed prepared so no extra buying here. I don't think they will do anything like that here. People are either in denial or we're just doing what we have to do and hoping that (assuming that we'll get it) when we do get the virus it won't do lasting damage.

    1. It can be, I agree. Video chats are lovely but not quite the same as face to face.

  6. So glad that you can have a bit of company. Here we are being told to cut our bubbles by 25%. Harvey jokingly asked which of the boys we were less attached to so we could tell them they can't come for a visit. They are pretty much a part of our bubble and will always be a part of it.

    God bless.

    1. I'm also glad. I laughed when I read the bit about the boys. Reducing in that way is simply not possible.
