Wednesday 18 November 2020


 Good morning, all.  This week is proving to be dry (as in no rain) but a bit damp (in terms of misty spells), dull, mild, a but nothing really.  It would be nice to have more sunshine, please.

Yesterday I did my shopping, found some Christmas presents, got on with the washing, etc, and generally mooched around doing not-a-lot.  I was pleased with something I found in B&M - a battery light that fixes to my garage shelving with magnets.  There's no power out to the garage so no lights and I don't always remember to take the torch.  This way there's always a light available, if needed.

The stitching is coming on.  I have done all the owls apart from the back stitching and I'm on the lettering.  Barring accidents, it might be finished by the weekend.

Today I have a chat with Val but personal training has been put off until tomorrow so I feel I have a gift of a day!  I found a nice, easy recipe for gingerbread biscuits in one of the Christmas magazines (it might have been Good Food, I need to look for it) so I thought I would have a go.  Gingerbread makes nice gifts and I have a good selection of cutters to use.

I'll get the ironing done and everything tidied up and then I can catch up on bake off.  I gather there was a shock but don't know who so please be kind and don't tell me!

Have a good day, one and all.  xx


  1. Sounds like a 'me' day, enjoy the biscuit making, do you like to clean the bowl?? We have one of those lights for under our stairs, very useful. Are your shelves now finished?

    1. I do but I'm trying not to. I think this will be a sort of dough so shouldn't leave nice scrape-y bits.
      Yes, they are, thanks. And everything is on them AND there's space for more. Brilliant!

  2. I might need to bake some biscuits myself now :)
    I wish it was dry here but unfortunately it's pouring with rain today and I've got to go out in it shortly. X

    1. I didn't get round to it, sadly. Maybe at the weekend . . .

  3. I have one of those lights in my understairs cupboard ... very useful. I'm glad to hear you have all the shelving assembled and in place. That's one big task completed and ticked off, so well done.

    I bought some ginger spice so am hunting for recipes to use it. I like ginger biscuits and also gingerbread but ... I need to remember it's only me here and not bake too much!

  4. Goodness you are a speedy stitcher!

    1. The trouble is, I spend far too much time on it and not enough on essentials like ironing and housework.
      Still - that's retirement for you!! And solo living as well. My zone can usually be what and when I choose it to be!
      Good, innit (as we are supposed to say in Essex)?
