Wednesday 6 May 2020


Good morning.  The weather forecast is fantastic today, wall to wall sunshine with only a gentle breeze and the next couple of days will be warmer too.  Bring it on!

At the allotment yesterday, I weeded around the edges of the covered and bark chipped areas where the fruit trees are planted, using a knife and plenty of gritted-teeth-ness.  They will come back, of course they will, but it looks better for now.  I strimmed the edges and a bit at the back which has got rather overgrown - you can't plant there but it looks messy!

Then I set to with the new garden canes to build the runner bean supports and a couple of wigwams for the gherkins.  It's a task that's much easier for two than one and the resulting line of canes is a bit uneven but not to worry, as long as it serves its purpose.  It seems steady so here's hoping.
I didn't take the camera yesterday but I might take photos today.  The canes make it look much more productive, even though it isn't really!

Today I will weed the last chipped areas, around the compost bins and by the rhubarb.  It's not too bad - yet - and if I deal with it today, it won't be so bad.  Tomorrow will be grass mowing day and I'll probably need to weed around the fruit and the rhubarb!

I looked up when I can sow the runner beans and I have to wait just a week or so as the advice is mid May.  You think I'd remember by now, wouldn't you!

Ther Zoom meeting for SW was fun.  There were four of us again and we chatted about lots of things.  So very nice to see other faces.  Then it was almost straight into a chat with Chris which was also lovely.

Today is allotment early (about half past eight) and then, as midday, my half hour of personal training (the other half hour is Friday).
As the weather is so lovely, this afternoon I will set to with pots and potting compost and get my baby plants potted on - some of them, anyway.
 But now, I must get the washing out.  After getting it into the machine and washed yesterday, I totally forgot to get it out and on the line so it's had another short wash this morning and I'm putting it out NOW - well, in five minutes' time anyway!

Have a good day and stay safe and well.  xx


  1. Runner beans are handy for a late crop - if sown late they can go on producing to first frosts.
    Enjoy the sunshine

    1. This is true, thanks. One year they were terribly late as a result of a whole lot of seeds failing (no idea why) and, as you say, they went on well into autumn. No not to worry and not to be in too much hurry is the name of the game, I guess.

  2. I've a dark wash already pegged out and a white load to do in the washer as I type. I've actually got to do some work from home stuff shortly, so I best go get dressed - working on my pjs just does not feel right!

    1. I totally agree. It's not the right mental attitude, is it? Hope you got it all done OK.
      It was a lovely drying day!

  3. It sounds like a very industrious day. Sadly we don't have the sunshine yet, it's still very grey but looks promising for later.

    Are the baby plants you're potting on all veggies?

    1. It was a most productive day and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope it cleared up your way.

      Almost all vegetables. I have some baby sunflowers and potted them on too, still in a tray but with deeper soil. I've just sown some asters too - I do think they are pretty.

  4. Great work on your allotment, we've had some good gardening weather.. are you like us lamenting no week away. I think you said you were going in May, we were too, but cancelled before lock down to be safe.. I was so looking forward to it.

    1. Sadly, I am, Chris. You remind me that I must go online and look at substitute dates and choose one - that's what they are offering and I will go along with that.
      It's disappointing but there you go.

  5. Sounds like you are enjoying your time on your allotment, which I assume is a garden near your home. You are an amazing industrious your blog.

    1. Allotments are (usually) local authority owned areas of ground, divided into plots that local people can rent to cultivate. Mine isn't close enough to walk there carrying tools, etc, but it's only a short car drive.
      Here's a link that will give you more information, if you're interested. Just copy and paste it.
