Saturday 30 May 2020


Good morning, everyone and thank you for the understanding comments on Thursday's post.

We continue to have quite beautiful weather, don't we?  For me, it has been just perfect.  Not too hot, not humid, a nice gentle breeze to keep the tree branches moving a bit.  I really couldn't ask for lovelier weather (except for rain overnight)!

The allotment is still cracking on.  We're pulling radishes now as well as cutting rhubarb, everything is growing nicely (we even have a few runner beans) and the broad beans have lots of flowers!
It's just all looking - nice.

Definitely one of my happy spaces.

In the garden, I've started picking strawberries these last few days and very nice they are too. 

The tomato plants seem to be thriving, as are the mini cucumbers.  I think I shall do what Sue did and allow one to fruit early while removing the first flowers from the other two.  It makes sense.
The chilli peppers are all growing in their new pots and I've also sown all my spare runner beans as there are going to be some gaps, although not the complete washout I thought it might be.  I really must remember to start them this way in future.

Dad and I discussed the possibility of me and Beth going over for a picnic in the garden but decided to leave it for a bit.  That's OK, it's his call, being the most vulnerable of us by a long call.  I have made a few plans with friends for coffee out in the garden which will be nice, but it's probably too easy to let down the guard a bit too quickly so let's be careful.

Today, it's a nice, easy day until three thirty when I'm meeting Beth down the allotment to do a double watering and, in between, we will scrub down the table and benches.  They are covered but slugs, snails and other creepy things find their way between table and cover so it needs a really good scrub.  Amazingly, I found the scrubbing brush we always use and I'm also taking some nice, strong stardrops cleaning stuff, the drips from which should keep the weeds down under the table and bench!

And that's about it for today.  Nothing terribly different or exciting but it should be a really lovely day.  I hope yours is too.  xx


  1. Welcome back x

    I think it's a sensible decision to
    wait for the garden picnic with your Dad and Beth. Has your Dad thought any more about video calls?

    1. He doesn't have any kind of web can, sadly. I thought he did. Never mind, the time will come.

  2. I had 3 strawberries from my strawb bed but they were a bit seedy - the ground is so dry and they are a long way from the water butts for watering and not enough pressure from a hose. The strawbs in pots on the patio are better but not ready yet.
    Have a happy weekend

    1. That's a bit of a pain, isn't it? Their turn will come though!
