Tuesday 19 May 2020


Good morning!

Yesterday was a potter-ing sort of day.  I pottered down the allotment and concocted a sort of barrier in front of the future runner beans, just to keep the big birds off them when they pop through.  I have no idea if pigeons go for runner bean seedlings but - just in case.

I thinned out the first sown radishes and came home with some for lunch.  Lovely.

After breakfast I got going in the garden.  Some of the tomatoes are now in their forever homes, the gherkins are out and I've moved a few pots around.  It took quite a while, one way and another, but I'm happy.  I will need to get some more large pots which are not cheap but, dear me, if I will go bonkers with the tomatoes, eh?

 Gherkins, aka mini cucumbers.
 Six tomatoes.
 Four more tomatoes

And more down the fence - the three empty pots are for the other sungolds, assuming they are fit to plant when they arrive.  If not, I'll find something else to go there instead, probably the very smallest gardener's delights which are the ones I sowed from old seed and which have surprised me but which are too small to go out yet.

There will be more to the left of the tayberry as well - when I have the pots
It's beginning to look like a properly productive garden now;  the runner beans just need to show themselves (fingers crossed)

I finished just before three and, as I was tired and maybe a bit achey too, decided I really didn't want or need a walk so I came in and sat down with a book before deciding it was too lovely to stay inside so chilled in the garden on my recliner instead. Lovely!

While looking up, I saw the first aeroplane and smoke trail in two months.  It was a bit of a slap in the face after clear skies for so long. 

Today it much more social this morning.  It's the Slimming World Zoom meeting this morning, closely followed by a chat with Chris.  Very nice.
Then I will go and water down the allotment as it was very warm yesterday afternoon followed, probably, by a walk. 

The other thing is to clear a bit of the shed out.  It's such a mess!  I can't face doing the whole lot in one go so it's going to be like eating an elephant - a bit at a time.

Have a great day, everyone, and take care.  xx


  1. Your garden is looking wonderful, Joy. I love home grown radishes, such a lovely strong peppery flavour. Shop bought ones are so watery and tasteless by comparison. Xx

    1. They were lovely, Sooze. Not mature enough for much heat but packed full of flavour. Looking forward to the next lot now.

  2. I am giving my tomatoes another few days before I pot them on into the big pots. I didn't buy tomato seed but grew mine from a baby plum tomato that I had on my vegetable rack. I've just planted some pips from oranges. I want to grow one in the conservatory as the blossom on oranges is gorgeous and fragrant.

    1. Good for you. I must try that next year.
      Good luck with the orange pips. Orange blossom is heavenly, I agree.

  3. Good luck with the shed I understand only too well the dreaded shed clearing.

    1. < grin > Thanks. I'm not looking forward to it one tiny little bit! xx

  4. Always an exciting moment to get the first of a new crop from the garden - enjoy the crunch!

    1. They were lovely, Sue. Yes, it's an exciting moment, the first of many, I hope).

  5. Joy, if you ask in Morrison's you can usually get the pots that the flowers are sold in if you ask the assistant. Sometimes they are free, sometimes they charge a £1 for about 8 pots.

    1. I have a couple but they're not quite big enough for the tomatoes. Very useful for other things though, so worth getting.

  6. We've been seeing planes quite regularly - the military one which replaced the Hercules, but no commercial flights yet.

    You have been a busy bee and it's all looking good. I wish you luck with clearing and tidying the shed 😂

    1. I suppose, to be fair, it could have been a military plane. I couldn't tell.

  7. Love tomatoes, we do get blight here but managed to avoid it last year. We have a small greenhouse at home where we grew 3 toms last year and I popped a few in some spaces on the allotment where blight's even worse but they were in amongst some sweet corn and I think they were shielded from the wind which I believe carries the blight around. Got to buy some tommies today x

    1. Blight is the pits, isn't it. We've not had it for a few years now although it has been recorded in the area.
      Good luck with the tomato hunt.

  8. I am chuckling in anticipation of the abundance of courgette and tomatoes posts in a few months time when you are overrun with plants like in day of the triffids or something!Beautiful garden - if I 'd have been reclining anywhere in the garden yesterday - I'd have been soaked through to the skin! Lovely rain all day long! I have just finished a Governors zoom meeting! SW one tonight!

    1. Rain? That's really not fair, what a shame.
      Yes, we're usually over supplied, me and Beth, but we love sharing the produce round. It's nice.
      Have a lovely SW meeting this evening.

  9. I still can't put anything outside yet, on saturday we had snow and today it's already been hails... Oh well. We call small cucumbers open field cucumbers and long ones greenhouse cucumbers - because that's where they are grown :-) I'm going to sow some cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchinies this week at polytunnel - if it stops snowing.
    I've seen condensation trais daily, some military, but most of them are cargo planes delivering stuff people has been shopping from the net. From China, I quess. Flight routes go straight over us. Normal route flights with passengers onboard are still missing.

    1. Oh, dear, that sounds a bit of a nightmare. Snow in May. Hoping it clears up and warms up soon.
