Wednesday 18 December 2019


Morning, everyone.  It's pretty cold this morning, maybe just touching on a frost, which makes a nice change from the damp dullness of yesterday morning.  In fact, yesterday was wet pretty much all day and Jeff didn't come to give the garden a pre Christmas tidy up.  Weather permitting, he will come on Thursday but we will see.

The main event, the girls' meal, was great fun.  We laughed a lot, ate a lot and swapped lovely pressies.  And all totally without alcohol!  It can be done (slight sarcasm alert!).  The only problem was that the venue had problems with their heating and it was a bit on the chilly side but the good company and food made up for that.

I was back well in time for tuition which was the last for that family until after Christmas and New Year.  Just one more now before my 'holiday' starts.  I came home with an interesting looking carrier bag which I am working very hard not to open until Christmas morning!

Today is designated Christmas Prep day although a few things have come along to interrupt that and anyway I'm more or less ready as far as making things is concerned.
The biggie is icing and decorating the cake which I will take slowly and carefully.  I also want to make some gingerbread biscotti from a recipe recommended by Sooze, who comments regularly here.  Thanks, Sooze.
I also intend getting the Christmas shopping list finished.  I'm pretty much there but am having a family meal on Saturday, for which I will need to get stuff and a friend around on Friday for lunch.
And lastly, I need to make up the guest room for Dad, which just involves a quick dust round and making up his bed.

As well as this, I have my personal training sessions over lunch time and then, after school, one of my ex students (and his mum) are coming round for a chat.  I'm very much looking forward to that.

I've gone back to classic carol with today's Christmas music.  The Willcocks arrangement of Away in a Manger with its beautiful underneath running quaver parts.  The altos can't lament about this arrangements.
Sung, of course, by Kings.


  1. Morning Joy, and you're welcome! If you want 'bits' in the ginger biscotti (I'll do this next time), I reckon chopped stem ginger or even dried mixed peel would be nice. You sound very organised, Joy, you're on track for a lovely calm, relaxed and stress-free Christmas. Thanks for the carol, it's one of my favourites. xx

    1. I have some mixed peel, what a good idea, thanks. I also have some pineapple pieces which might be nice to add. No stem ginger though.
      I hope doing most things in advance will help reduce stress and, being basically an idle person, make next week less like hard work! When you know it's all in hand, you can relax a bit and enjoy things.
      I love that carol too. So simple and so lovely.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed your meal yesterday. We have damp and dull this morning, after frost and ice yesterday. At least I don't need to defrost the car. X

    1. That's definitely a plus. Having to ice the car always makes me late - you'd think I would learn, wouldn't you? :-)

  3. OMG icing the car as well as the cake - sorry I know it was a typo but I just couldn't resist that one.
    Have a great day.

    1. ROFL - and I can't edit a comment either!!!
      I had to DE-ice the car earlier. There definitely was a frost this moning!

  4. I think you might have started a new trend in decorated Christmas cars - but I will pass on icing mine as I am not sure even the cake will get done. Glad you had a lovely time with the girls and hope your planning goes to plan. x

    1. I'll never be allowed to forget that, will I? lol.
      Everything seems to be going to plan at the moment, touch wood!

  5. Fingers crossed that you get the last of your Christmas shopping complete without hassle. When does your Dad arrive?

    1. Not until the morning of Christmas Eve so bags of time. I think I will go early Saturday morning and get as much as I can then. If there's anything left, we can either go without or I will walk round to Morrisons.
      The list is getting long so needs some editing! :-)
