Saturday, 14 December 2019


Good morning!  We've had a wet and breezy night but it's supposed to clear up soon.  I do hope so as I'm off into town.

The Christmas tree now has more pressies under it and they look very nice and exciting, despite knowing exactly what's in them!  We have definitely cut back on gifts this year.
All it needs now is the decorations to go with the lights and they will be done tomorrow.  It will be quite a family time with Dave coming round for lunch (and perhaps Beth too) and then Beth and Alex staying for dinner. 

Yesterday was definitely an 'I'm getting loads better' day.  Such a relief and I didn't need to take the antibiotics either.  I'll check their life expectancy and put them away safely.

I took my drive out to the couple of garden centres but, really, it was quite disappointing.  Yes, they did have Christmas things but not very many and nothing that I actually wanted to buy.  However, I managed to get some bits and bobs for a hamper gift and some other bits and bobs for Dad so it wasn't wasted time.

When home again, I did some ironing and some housework and then got on with my knitting.  Another pretty gentle day really.  As it was Christmas Jumper Day, I wore mine and went online to make a donation to Save the Children.  After all, governments may come and governments may go, but there will, sadly, always be children and their families who need help. both here and further afield.

I blitzed the guest room and now it is tidy and ready for guests.  I just need to take a poinsettia up there but I'll leave it downstairs until just before my guest arrives as I might not remember to water it!  There's not really much left on my 'to do' list now.

Today, as mentioned earlier, I shall take the bus into town.  I hope to get the 8:48 as it's Saturday and I can use my bus pass before nine.  I have a list of bits and bobs and a cheque to pay in but really it's just to stroll around and enjoy the sights.  I guess it will be horribly crowded but at least I won't have to queue for a parking space.

This afternoon, I will marzipan the cake, I think, as my Christmassy thing for the day.  Then, on Wednesday which is my official Christmas Prep Day, it will be all ready to ice.  I've never iced a fruit cake before so I am hoping I don't make a dog's dinner of it.

Today's Christmas music is another Kendrick song that I find very thoughtful as well as lovely.
Thorns in the Straw.


  1. Sounds like you have a lovely weekend in store, Joy. Have a great time in town (rather you than me! I can't stand crowds) and a fabulous family day tomorrow. xx

    1. I can't say I'm too fond of them myself but I'll be an early shopper so maybe it won't be all that bad really! Fingers crossed!

  2. Another piece of music I've never heard before - you do know lots of Christmas songs

    1. :-) All my life I've associated Christmas with music so I guess it's bound to stick.

  3. Glad you are on the mend and looking forward to icing the cake are you going for royal icing or fondant. Fondant is much easier to handle as getting a flat surface with royal is not easy.

    1. Fondant. I know it's not totally traditional but, as you say, easier and more mouldable

  4. Good to hear you are feeling better.
    I always use ready to roll icing, or even ready rolled, depending on the size of the cake. You tube videos always show wrapping the icing around the rolling pin when putting onto the cake, which is not something I get on with easily so I slide it onto a big smooth baking sheet and then hold it over the cake and slide it off to cover it.

    1. Ah, really, what a good idea? Thank you for this. I'll see how I get on with the marzipan this afternoon.

  5. You have a lovely weekend planned. I hope you have a fantastic time x

    1. Thanks -and I wish you well for the choir concert this evening. Have a wonderful time.

  6. Glad you are feeling better.Enjoy your trip.

    1. Thanks. It was nice enough but I was glad to get home by about half past eleven.

  7. I have been enjoying your musical contributions - many I had not heard before. It has kindled the Christmas spirit in me.

    1. Thanks, Chris. For me, Christmas and music go together. Can't have one without t'other.
