Thursday 22 August 2019


Good morning, everyone.  For the fist time in a week I slept beyond five and was very pleased with myself.  It was actually not completely dark when my eyes opened although it is increasingly obvious that the nights are drawing in and hanging around for longer and the early mornings and the evenings are cooler.  A shame, although September is often a very pleasant month so fingers crossed.

One little excitement yesterday was having some golden raspberries and pink blueberries with yogurt in the evening.  They tasted so good.  There aren't that many blueberries (although more than 2018, which was the plant's first year) but the raspberries look as if they will be prolific given that there's just two plants and I'm wondering if I might get some earlier fruiting ones too, at some point.

The blue blueberry has been a disappointment - although I had a few fruits last year, there has been nothing this year and, as it is behind netting, it's not the birds.  I need to look up the pruning instructions and see what I need to do.

There's two more cucumbers to cut, more red mini chillies and the runners and tomatoes keep a-coming so my meals are rather laden with them right now (not complaining in the slightest).   If we have the promised warm and sunny weather this coming week, that will be great for them. 

Beth was round yesterday afternoon and we ordered the batting for the spare room single bed quilts she is making.  They're going to look really lovely when they're done.

I've just been out to water as I remembered that I didn't yesterday evening and I really do need to spend an hour or so out there today.  There's more weeds than I like to see, clutter that needs to be binned and some dead heading, plus if I want more strawberries next year, I need to do something about all the runners that are currently trying to invade the rest of the garden.  Now, where did I put those pots?

Apart from that, it's an ordinary day doing nice, ordinary things.  Tidying up, for a start - I do seem to attract piles of messy stuff in corners of my home and it's starting to irritate considerably!  As there's no-one else to blame but me, I'd better do something about it!

I'd better get started with the old kitchen then - that's probably the easiest one.  And coffee - I need coffee!
Have a great day.  xx


  1. Love the quilts Joy they do look very nice. I wish I had a room I could devote to sewing but I dont so I will content myself with playing in the kitchen.

    1. Well, it took a good deal of sorting and reorganising to turn the box room into an office for Beth but we managed it - just. It's nowhere near big enough though and, of course, you have two other adults living with you.

  2. The quilts look gorgeous already and those fabrics work really well together. Your daughter is so talented. I can only imagine the time and effort that goes into creating such things.
    Coffee and tidying are on the agenda here too. Then we're off out for some puddle jumping. X

    1. THanks, Jules. She really is very, very good at what she does and yes, it takes for ever which is why these hand crafted things are so very expenbsive. She is creating heirlooms for the family, I think.
      Puddle jumping? What a shame, it's sunny here (at the moment). Maybe it will clear up for you.

  3. The quilts are beautiful already.

    I've been weeding too - they've gone mad with the rain and sun.

    1. Sadly, they have. I've done some kitchen pottering and I'm just about to go out and start. At least we can be glad that what's good for the weeds is just as good for the flowers and veg.
      And thanks - I love them already.

  4. The quilts are looking good already. I love your choice of fabrics.

    Are blueberries difficult to grow?

    1. I gather they're not easy. For a start, it's best to have more than one, for pollination. And they are ericaceous. Also, the birds love them! But, to be fair, it is only the second year and I am getting some fruit.

      It took so long to choose the fabric and we were spread all over the shop. They were very tolerent!

    2. Ah okay. Maybe I need to start with something easier to grow!

    3. I would recommend raspberries. They're so easy.

  5. Beautiful quilts, they're really going to be the focal point of the room. Glad you slept a bit better last night, Joy xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. I was so tired yesterday, I kept dropping off, so I wondered how it would go overnight. It was such a relief to wake and find it was past five. I know that's still quite early but it's normal for me.
