Tuesday 18 June 2019

Tuesday and garden update.

Good morning, everyone.  After a dry day yesterday and overnight, I need to water my pots this morning.  That's a shame because we are forecast rain; however, that has changed from a weather warning of heavy rain and wind yesterday to light rain and a gentle breeze today.  No storms.  What a shame.

 The journey home was great.  Very easy and hardly any holdups at all.  Once home, I sorted my things out a bit, picked a satisfying number of strawberries and the rest of the day was more or less mapped out with time in school, tuition and dinner!

I wandered out into the garden, camera in hand, a short while ago.

Yes, I have baby tomatoes - sungolds.  Tiny and cute.

I should get a small harvest from the Tayberry that Refused to Die at long last.  Not loads but far more than a handful and next year's fruiting growth is already looking hopeful.

The herb and foliage bed looks really good.  The euphorbia from Mum's bed that I planted in that little gap in the middle is dying back but I expected that and it may very well come up fine next year.

The pinks are - well - pink!  Very pretty and fragrant, they are one of my favourites, alongside sweet peas and freesias.

The geranium (not red) has really flourished this year . . .

. . . as has the delphinium (blue).

Finally, the ooh la la is such a lovely splash of colour in a fairly dark little corner.  There are still loads and loads of buds.

The runner beans are running madly and the peas have popped through.  The only thing that hasn't done all that well is the blueberries, sadly.  Ah, well, there has to be something, I guess.

Round the front, the two new fuchsias are flowering so must be fairly happy while other stuff is coming up, both legitimate and not.  I might give it all a gently hoeing before the rain is due to start.

Today, I shall be taking things carefully.  It's getting better and I certainly slept better but the back still makes its presence felt and I will not be lifting stuff or bending too much today.  I do have some washing to do (didn't do it yesterday) but that's not too onerous and I ought to have a swim but I won't.  The diary is blank although I do know I have tuition this afternoon, so I can take life easy and rest.

I must go and take my anti-sneeze meds - I went out to take those photos and can feel the itching beginning to build up.  By the middle of July, whatever I am mildly allergic to will all be over - some unfortunate individuals react all year round which must be a miserable situation for them and I sympathise very much.
And I need my coffee.   Fresh today, I think, rather than instant.  My insulated cafetiere is very useful!
Have a super day.  xx


  1. It must be interesting to go away for the weekend and come home to find what's grown while you were away.
    It's all looking good

    1. It is, Sue, I always love it. It's such a small garden but seems to be thriving on a bit of neglect!

  2. Your plants are so much further ahead than we are in Yorkshire but we have some cold weather by the Pennine moors and are probably much higher up than you. We are in Scotland at the moment and the garden here is further ahead due to being on the Gulf Stream. Your Clematis is blooming. x

    1. She's lovely, isn't she?
      Essex tends to be pretty mild and my garden is quite sheltered anyway - a bit of a sun trap too, being small and south facing. When I say it feels chilly, I usually mean not as warm as it ought to be rather than really chilly.
      I'm sure you are much higher and colder that we are here - it makes a big difference.

  3. It's all looking so beautiful and hurray for strawberries! Lily ate our first fully ripened one this evening and it got a thumbs up. X

    1. They are so, so delicious, aren't they. Far nicer than anything in the shops. Good for Lily!

  4. Absolutely beautiful - love the photos!
    Your garden is a treat!
    So sorry to read of your back - do take great care and hope it will be better very, very soon.
    Lovely that you had such a good time with your Dad - he must so love your visits.
    The bedspreads or quilts will be lovely - the one you photographed is so pretty. So clever of Beth to be able to do this.
    Love, S.xxx
